Perception is the creation of belief…

Transformation Begins Now
4 min readOct 2, 2019


You do not perceive things as they are, instead you perceive things as you wish them to be. Your belief is a powerful figure within the world of your mind. It acts as the filter that presents reality to your awareness, selecting with structure and organization of exactly what you wish to see.

It is a sometimes a hard concept to understand, that when we look at the world, we are not seeing everything within our scope of vision. That everything imprinted on the screen of our reality is actually a reflection from our mind created by the amplifying that which we focus on or bring attention to and filtering out all that we have defined as unimportant.

It is interesting to think that we filter out of our reality that which we accept subconsciously as unimportant. Imagine for a moment that your belief was centered around the concept that money was evil, or that money was not important in life. You would go about your day missing every opportunity to earn more money. Every job you take would become a miserable endeavor. You would find no satisfaction in working.


Because your mind has associated money as being unimportant and evil. Since you believe it to be evil, it therefore is a source of pain. Which means that any actions derived towards earning money would produce misery, pain, dissatisfaction.

Since your mind wants to move away from pain you would subconsciously sabotage your actions, decisions and choices so to avoid anything that involved bringing money into your life. This along with other self-limiting beliefs is what we refer to as the “poverty mindset”.

In this context, we can define belief as simply limitation. Which if you think about it in all perspectives, it is. Your mind cannot know an absolute. It can only know what is self-evident. Gravity is a good example. The fundamental laws and forces of the Universe are pretty set in stone. Gravity happens whether you believe in it or not.

Although, that is not where the limitation is derived from in contemplation. The belief organizes around the the concept or principle and tries to understand it and give it meaning. This is where the absolute falls away and the self-evident is written into the reasoning. Human beings tend to do this with just about everything we encounter. From gravity to love, we produce a story that is true to ourselves and that is the one we all tell. The problem comes about when that story is not based upon actual data, but instead assumption or second hand rhetoric.

We make this story our own and weave it into the fabric of our minds. This immediately goes to work as a filter for our construct of our accepted reality. Which ultimately brings about our conditions, consequences and current state of life.

So why is this important?

If you want to make any effective change in your life, in your career or if you just seeking different results, you have to first understand what you believe and why you believe it. Then you must question the hell out of it with logic and self-discovery. This is a healing process for most. Our beliefs are very near and dear to our hearts. All of them have come about through emotional experiences in life.

Your belief is the dictator of your existential reality. Nothing changes outside unless belief is changed within. If you are interested in learning more on shifting your paradigm and bringing about more effective life results, let’s have a conversation.

Within 30 minutes, I promise you will have a whole new perspective on your life and your future.

My typical clients are High Performance Business Professionals, Executives, Business Owners, Entrepreneurs and Sales and Marketing Professionals.

30 Minute -Zoom Coffee Call — With Joshua

About the Author:

Joshua is a Transformational Mindset Coach and Business Consultant. He has over 25 years of study, practice and teaching in Personal Development, Mind and Body Coherence, Leadership Cultivation and Optimal Mindset Development.

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