FAQ. Infrastructure Torrent Node

Published in
2 min readJul 24, 2019

While the test of Infrastructure Torrent Node is still going on and the release in MainNet is scheduled for July 25, 2019, we are sharing a new F.A.Q. with the most common questions.

  • What Infrastructure Torrent Node is needed for?

The Infrastructure Torrent Node is aimed at supporting the functioning of enterprise users such as exchanges, retail, banking, and others which usually support and track their users’ accounts on their own and require to download the whole blocks from the chain rather than request balances or transaction history. Infrastructure Torrent is used to store these exactly entire blocks for enterprise clients, thus unloading the torrents which are used by the end users.

  • Can I use any Ubuntu version to install a new role?

We recommend version 18. Please note that version 19 is not supported.

  • What will be a Soft, Hard, and Seed cap for Infrastructure Torrent?

After the test will be over and the role will be released on July 25, the Soft Cap will be set at 500 000 while the Hard Cap at 20 000 000 #MHC. The Seed Cap, which is the minimum of the server’s own capital needed to let the server be qualified for the node’s role, will be set at 100 000 #MHC.

  • Can I use coins delegated to me to bring the Infrastructure torrent node online?

No, only your own funds are allowed.

  • Will the node role’s change from Peer to Infrastructure Torrent affect me in any way?

Using #MetaGate, you can easily switch from one role to another (for example, from Peer to Torrent) without losing delegated funds (to you or by you).

Here you can find a detailed instruction on how to try yourself in a new role :)

After the official launch of this role in Mainnet, our team will prepare an extended FAQ with answers to your questions — now you can send them to our Telegram chats, we will collect and try to answer each of them!

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