Infrastructure Torrent — Introducing New Node Role

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2 min readMay 1, 2019

#MetaHash network is proceeding its way to decentralization and it’s time to introduce the next node role — Infrastructure Torrent Node.

Infrastructure Torrent Node is aimed at supporting the functioning of enterprise users such as exchanges, retail, banking, and other which provide the most load to the network.

Usually these enterprises support and track their users’ accounts on their own and require full access to entire blocks which means that they prefer not to request balances or transaction history but download the whole blocks from the chain for their independant check.

The principle of the infrastructure torrent is exactly to store these entire blocks for enterprise clients, thus unloading the torrents which are used by the end users. Delegation of storing the blocks for enterprises to community is entirely secured as each of these blocks has a signature of the core which guarantees its authenticity.

Besides, with the infrastructure torrent node addition the entire archive of the chain’s transactions will become fully decentralized.

According to the current plans, the number of roles will grow up to five or more according to our development surveys which is essential for #MetaHash to be invulnerable and fast as a decentralized network. Besides the existing peer node and the coming infrastructure torrent node the network will also soon get the core, the torrent, and the verification node.

With the appearance of new roles the rewarding system will be also updated so as to stimulate users to establish different nodes in a balanced way to provide the further successful growth of the network.

The dates of infrastructure torrent node release and changes to the reward distribution will be announced later this month.

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