New Forging

Published in
2 min readMay 22, 2019

The recent update has made changes to the forging work. Now users can participate both in active forging (previously called random) and in passive (with a fixed reward). Let’s detalize.

100 #MHC is a fixed amount for passive forging, and the active form will require 1000 #MHC. You can delegate the rest of the coins from the same wallet. Remember that you have to be in the network for more than 4 hours to get a reward. Also, by launching active forging, you will automatically be included in the reward pool for regular forging, which is divided into shares. If you have already started passive forging (from 100#MHC) and you want to participate in the active one (from 1000 #MHC), all that is required — to click “stop forging”, after that, having 1000 or more coins on your balance, click “start active forging”. Note that coins frozen for delegation do not participate in active or passive forging. That means if you have already delegated to any of the nodes then — you need 100/1000 non-frozen coins on your balance to start the forging by the wallet.

Let us consider in more detail: every 4 hours spent by the user for passive forging give him the right to 1 share in the remuneration pool, consisting of 19408 #MHC and divided between all the wallets participating in the forging. Every 4 hours spent by the user for active forging (from home IP), give him the right to 10 tickets to participate in the daily lottery of 174674 #MHC, which are distributed among 1000 random tickets. Tickets are the chances to get a reward (note that it is the wallet that wins, not every ticket). Accordingly, the more tickets you have, the higher the chance to get a reward. The block of awards is formed daily at 00:00 UTC.

If you forge only from one device with one IP, your chance to get a reward is much higher than if you use several computers with one IP for this purpose. We control this because it is important for the community that the network belongs to real users, not large farms. If you have several wallets working with the same IP, the reward will be given to the first device where the forging was launched. In the case of using one IP for multiple wallets, the number of shares / tickets decreases in direct proportion to the number of duplicate devices.

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