Problem & Solution, Part 6. “Tokenization” of assets

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2 min readApr 2, 2018

Given the current popularity of the blоckchain and projects based on it, it’s rather easy to imagine a huge number of people who want to participate. However, not everyone can join them, because it requires considerable resources and special knowledge. The #MetaHash team believes that this problem can and should be solved.

What do we offer? Our solution is to implement the built-in mechanism of any assets “tokenization”, allowing users to perform any operations with any digital assets based on the blоckchain inside #MetaHash. This will help to open Blоckchain technology to people without deep knowledge in this sphere. This leads to fast technology implementation in the social sphere, simple entrance to projects for ordinary people and a general technological boom.

In addition to the lowest transaction costs in Blоckchain’s history and the adequate cost of storing data in Blоckchain for decentralized projects, our system allows you to turn any asset into #MHC, transfer it into #MetaHash networks, and instantly use assets from the #MetaHash network for payment in stores connected to the network. Want more? Catch that! Assets of other networks can be used in the #MetaHash network (including Bitcoin, Etherium and ERC20). We involved transfers of digital assets from the #MetaHash network directly to other networks, in other words, any asset can be turned into #MetaHashCoin, transferred to the Ethereum or Waves network and returned back via Mirrored Smart Contracts.

How does it work? There are our decentralized applications, in particular, #MetaToken and #MetaICO, who are responsible for it. App’s functionality is very extensive and includes the automatic tokenization of #MHC into other digital assets, converting, providing transaсtions, and releasing #MetaHashCoins without any programming knowledge, using a combination of different settings. The solutions offered by #MetaHash are understandable for everyone. In order to become part of our project you do not need special knowledge or skills, you need only a desire to join and a belief in Blockchain future!

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