The importance of community contribution to the project development

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2 min readSep 19, 2019

As you know, our team is constantly working on preparing updates to strengthen the decentralized network, increase its security and optimize performance. However, it is critically important not only to gradually add the planned functionality — the contribution of each community member is no less significant because the development of any project (especially based on distributed technologies) largely depends on the support of enthusiasts, people willing to be not only users but participants in the network. In particular, we want to thank our community founded the @metahashidea Telegram group, where everyone can share ideas on developing the #MetaHash project.

Since the updated #MetaGate 1.20 release brings the project even closer to decentralization, #MG will soon be able to act as Proxy Node. Consequently, the distribution of awards and workloads will be in line with the algorithm originally prescribed in the White Paper.

As the #MetaHash community is growing now, and the network is filling up with high-performance nodes, the number of transactions that the network can perform per unit of time is growing. This factor and the growing community lead to the fact that the time necessary to get a reward is also increasing. But it’s important to understand that the work of any computer connected to the #MetaHash network is not wasted. After the expiration of the 4 hours of forging, necessary for the node to claim the reward, it begins to participate in the distribution of awards. Accordingly, the longer the community member forge, the higher the chance to get it. But at the same time, by participating in processing and confirming transactions, the user also participates in the development of #MetaHash and provides support for decentralized applications that he himself can later use.

The network is built so that all users have the opportunity to influence the further fate of the #MetaHash project (for example, by voting), receiving a reward for it. The time and resources of each of you are important for the network, so, the future of the #MetaHash decentralized network depends on the common efforts of our community members.

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We are expanding the pool of partners: now exchanges could list our token themselves. Here is a link to the guide —

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