Holiday Hi-Jinks with ChatGPT — Part 5 — ChatGPT writes a news article about itself.

Mike Gagnon
4 min readDec 14, 2023

Ah welcome back, I’m sure by now you’re out of eggnog and moved on to “Special Holiday Coffee” or “Gummies”. Put down that tattered copy of Catcher in the Rye, and feast your peepers on my next experiment.

I want ChatGPT to explain itself.

Here’s how that turned out:

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Write a 500 word news article on why ChatGPT is so controversial.



Title: Unraveling Controversies Surrounding ChatGPT: A Deep Dive into AI Ethics

In recent years, ChatGPT, an advanced language model developed by OpenAI, has become a subject of significant controversy, sparking debates around ethical concerns and potential societal implications. The controversies surrounding ChatGPT primarily revolve around issues related to bias, misinformation, and the responsible use of artificial intelligence (AI).

One of the central criticisms directed at ChatGPT is its susceptibility to bias. Being trained on a vast dataset sourced from the internet, the model inherits the biases present in the data. This has led to instances where ChatGPT generates outputs that reflect or perpetuate societal biases, raising concerns about…

