27 Life Lessons for everyone building toward a goal or trying to piece together life

Michelle Ikediobi
3 min readFeb 22, 2022


An animation of a bunny learning, diving into self-development, and building confidence and competence.

As an extroverted social butterfly, the time I spent indoors — by my lonesome — helped me refocus my energy on self-discovery and redefining who I am. I wouldn’t take it back.

I’ve officially fallen in love with being at home. Introverts, I understand you now.

If any of the following lessons below spark a twinge in your body (whether positive/negative) mark it as an opportunity for introspection. To identify more closely with how you think and who you are.


In order to believe you can change, you have to know that a current “lie” is a future truth. The power of manifestation.

  1. We have to control the meaning we assign to events in our lives to manage our emotions.
  2. Validate yourself and be fearless. Don’t change for anyone. Trust that the right people & opportunities will find you.
  3. Downplay the significance. Make the big small by changing your perspective. It needs to take a lot to impress you because you have high standards and high vibrational energy.
  4. Reframing negative thoughts into positive ones is how you change your mindset, behaviors, and life.


Be cognizant about when you need to say “I” vs “we”

  1. Assertive communication — don’t say (I guess, probably, I think) instead say (I recommend, let’s, or…just come out with it)
  2. Your core shouldn’t change with different audiences, but your communication style will.
  3. Confidence is currency. Lead with conviction.

Boundaries & Self Confidence

If someone doesn’t care/know about you on a deeper level, their opinion can’t hold any weight in your orbit.

bad b physics

  1. Can’t control what people do, but you can control how comfortable they feel doing it with you.
  2. You aren’t responsible for people’s emotions, behaviors, reactions, etc. Hard stop.
  3. You always have a choice in every situation. Always.
  4. Never let anyone disrespect you. Hold people accountable. Always communicate your boundaries no matter the consequences. (philosophy: I am willing to die for myself)
  5. Don’t care about anyone’s opinion aside from your own, be okay with being misunderstood.
  6. Stay in your own lane and don’t compare yourself, instead champion your successes and learning opportunities. Your primary benchmark is your past performance.
  7. The only answers outside of you are the confirmations of what’s already within you.
  8. People will burn a bridge and expect you to send a yacht. Don’t entertain it.
  9. Own your intelligence — don’t worry about people feeling intimidated. That’s their problem.

Energy Management/Self-Empowerment

Be ruthless about managing the energy you keep around you. People who support, love, defend, and champion you only.

  1. Be unapologetic about prioritizing yourself, your needs, & communicating your opinions/beliefs, emotions, passions, interests, experiences, etc.
  2. Conserve your energy and decide what to care about. Your energy is currency.
  3. Don’t absorb other people’s energies/adapt to others’ levels. Remain self-validated and regulated.
  4. Always seek opportunities to stand out and be yourself.

Taking Action

There are always opposing sides, pick one, be confident in your position while remaining open-minded, never be afraid to stand alone.

  1. It’s always easier to watch than to do. Be a builder.
  2. It’s never just a failure/mistake/difficulty/hurdle, it’s always a learning opportunity. Never let it stop you!
  3. Focus on what’s important. It separates the strategists from the analysts
  4. Question everything, especially your beliefs. Be able to hold challenging beliefs in your mind at the same time. Never take anything personally.
  5. The goal is to become a new person every 3–6 months because you’ve learned and acquired new skills, new perspectives, and new life experiences.
  6. There are high and low-value mindsets. Low-value mindsets will be threatened, high-value mindsets will be attracted. Stay focused.
  7. Self-discipline is how you win.


The biggest lesson of all is that there are differing opinions, life philosophies, personality types, and ways of living for a reason. Be convicted of yours while remaining open to others to truly enjoy the fullness that life has to offer.




Michelle Ikediobi

Empowering you with unique perspectives on product, marketing, & startup innovation🧚🏾‍♀️ | + random holistic wellness tidbits