Is there life after death?

Shirley Yanez
3 min readJun 30, 2023

Is there Life After death? Many of us have anxiety about the idea of dying yet it is the only one thing we can be sure of in life. One day it is coming for us all, we just have no idea of the actual date or time.

When we die our body and our energy separate and for me this is a fact. The grim reaper knocked on my door unexpectedly back in 2000 when a near death experience occurred without warning. I had been bleeding for almost a year during the time my life was falling to bits in the US without medical insurance. I honestly put it down to mid-life menopause believing subconsciously nothing was so wrong it would actually kill me.

I woke up one morning, felt extremely weak, collapsed and was rushed to a nearby hospital in LA to discover my blood count was dangerously low. In an medical emergency the hospitals in the US are obliged to treat you, even without insurance. I was given three blood transfusions and told I had an 8lb fibroid in my uterus, needed an emergency hysterectomy and was a very lucky girl to be alive.

During the night alone in the intensive care unit hooked up to machines, needles and other life saving devises, for some reason my body rejected the blood transfusion and I went in to cardiac arrest and died momentarily, apparently.

I didn't feel anything physically when my energy left my body but I could see me covered in blood laying on that hospital bed surrounded by nurses and doctors doing their best to bring me back to life. I could hear the machines bleeping, the chatter, the noise but felt nothing.

I have no idea how long I watched myself lying there but suddenly I had this intense feeling of pins and needles all over my body, so intense I will never forget it. Have you ever had a dead leg unable to move then it comes back to life with intense pins and needles? This was happening all over my body before I heard the the doctor say I was going to be ok.

It was not my time to depart for good. I still had more living to do and that is exactly what I did once back home safe, operated on and recovered. I began to live a new kind of life so very different to my old life. I changed dramatically for the better by working on myself through self-therapy.

The reality is, we are made up of energy and this cannot be destroyed, so when the body dies this energy must go somewhere but where I cannot tell you as mine returned to allow me to learn to value every day like it is my last without fear or anxiety.



Shirley Yanez

Life Coach. Social Entrepreneur. Fashion CEO and activist. Author The Mind Detective and The Worm inside the onion. Ex Hollywood Stylist.