Stop those racing thoughts inside your mind.

Shirley Yanez
3 min readOct 28, 2023

Breaking the cycle of anxiety and racing thoughts

When trying to understand your mind and why it plagues you with unwanted negative narratives about you and your life, you must first ask yourself who is planting these untrue ideas in your head? The long consistent negative commentary running like the wind inside your head, stopping you from thinking rationally, sleeping better and living a happy life, indicates you are submerged in chaos. You are not being conscious of the reality of your life. You are in fact, living alone in your imagination.

When you are submerged, when you are operating your thoughts below the surface of consciousness, you are basing your facts on fear and fiction, not what is present or real in the moment. This is called your collective unconscious. The collective unconscious is responsible for a number of deep-seated beliefs and instincts, such as spirituality and sexual behaviour. Life and death instincts. The collective unconscious is the product of personal experiences or inherited from the past collective experience of humanity. Basically all we have submerged, or supressed behind our conscious thinking that we hide from our reality and the rest of the world.

Although we may not know what thoughts and images are in our collective unconscious, it is thought that in moments of crisis, the psyche can tap into it. I always think of my psyche like my mind, not tangible, unexplainable and probably the most important part of me that creates internal peace, stability and tranquillity. Our deep-seated beliefs regarding who we think we are, are explained as partially due to the genetically-inherited unconscious. What we have learned from others, more than what we discover for ourselves.

Changing your mind, your thoughts, your inherited fears and beliefs comes from understanding your submerged potential beyond the collective rubbish you have accumulated along the way. This is called shadow work. All the made up things in your mind, destroying your creative potential. Basically, facing and dealing with the person you don't want to be anymore and forming a new relationship with a better version of yourself. The darkness within is simply understanding and facing, everything about yourself that is outside of your awareness.

We all have a self-supressed dark side and It’s a bitter pill to swallow when you discover this about yourself, which will always be a part of you, sadly but can be tamed and understood more with self-love. If you are truly open to perceiving you have both a dark side and a light side, without judgment or expectation, you’ll be amazed about what you discover about yourself. Paying more attention to your negative, judgmental thoughts in this way can help you gain awareness of the ugly aspects of yourself, which are hidden away from the conscious you.

“The most terrifying thing is to accept oneself completely.” Carl Jung.

We must learn to stop seeing the things we desire in others, wishing for what they have, while denying what we have and deserve in ourselves. We are all guilty of never questioning our dark side and often we wont admit we even have one. Because if we did, that would require us to change, by judging others less and being kinder to ourselves. And there is always more pain to come in becoming more aware of something in ourselves, that we aren’t ready to accept or change. On the other side of this pain and fear is everything magical, productive and real to discover about who we were always destined to be, before life and its heavy baggage got in the way.



Shirley Yanez

Life Coach. Social Entrepreneur. Fashion CEO and activist. Author The Mind Detective and The Worm inside the onion. Ex Hollywood Stylist.