The Disappearance of James Anthony Reynolds and the Missing Six: The Most Bizarre Mystery in Alabama from Four Months to Almost Three Decades| Case 13

The Missing Six: (left) James Anthony Reynolds, Lamar Stackhouse, Angela Roberts Young, Valerie McCoy, Tamara Monique Ward, and Eula Jossett Lee. Courtesy of Charley Project

What happens when you have six friends that hang out for a night then just vanishes, reported missing, then found several months later; with one still missing…and still, 24 years later? A case that has left the city of Opp, Alabama with many questions and a mystery that no one is talking about, but today…I’m talking about it.

I’m sure most of us have hung out with friends at some point. We were all in the car, and there were opportunities where something could have happened. How many nights out have you had with friends? You don’t realize how much of a blessing it is to make it home until you don’t make it home. The case that we’re about examine could happen to any of us whether we’re in a car with others or not.

I’m going to introduce you to all six friends, discuss the facts, present the timeline, theories, and conclude with my opinion.

On the late evening of Friday, May 7, 1999, six friends got together to enjoy a night out. The six friends were:

  • Valerie McCoy: A 27 year-old wife and mother of five children from ages 3–12, and the cousin to Eula Lee.
  • Eula Jossett Lee: A 28 year-old mother…



Jadyn Harlow - The Missing Found Podcast

Podcast Host/Writer of case analyses on the missing in the Black community. We focus on cases that have gone cold, have little progress and without conclusion.