The Most Important Lesson In Business To Help You Go From $0–$100,000.

The Money Cruncher, CPA
3 min readMay 17, 2023

Did you ever wonder how companies like Amazon get so big? What can we learn from the principles that they have employed? How can I apply these principles and scale up my small business ? Let’s dive right into it.

What did Amazon do to become so successful?

Amazon did a lot of things right to get to where they are now. But, one of the main principle is customer obsession.

Customer obsession is a key principle of Amazon and Jeff Bezos, the founder and former CEO. Customer obsession refers to the commitment to understand and support customer needs. All of your business decision making is surrounded around consumer desires.

Jeff Bezos learned early on that if you put customer at the center of every decision, you will inevitably succeed.

This will ensure future profits and sustainable business model.

The extent of customer obsession

From the 23 shareholder letters that Jeff Bezos wrote, the word “customer” appeared the most frequent. Jeff knew that by focusing on the customer, you will have a sustainable business over long period of time.

Here are a few quotes from the shareholder letters:



The Money Cruncher, CPA

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