Disneyland Monorail: The First Daily Operating Monorail! Today in STEM History #shorts

Moni Singh
1 min readJun 14, 2023



The Disneyland Monorail opened today in 1959 in Anaheim, California, becoming the first daily

operating monorail system in the Western Hemisphere.

Walt Disney envisioned the monorail as a future mode of public transportation and spent over $1

million per mile for a track length of 2.5 miles.

Monorails struggled to compete with automobiles and are primarily used in airports and amusement

parks in the US.

Japan became a leader in monorail mass transit in the 1980s, with Tokyo Monorail being one of the

world’s busiest systems. China began developing monorails in the late 2000s, with the Chongqing

system becoming the world’s largest and busiest system.

Disney’s monorail and most modern ones including maglev, magnetic levitation systems, use the

ALWEG straddle-beam approach with a solid beam as the running surface and trains straddling a

steel or reinforced concrete beam.

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Moni Singh

STEM Learning Innovator | Franchise Leader | Transformational Executive | Motivational Speaker | Cross-Connector Education, Business and Communities