Habitare secum.

Patricia Oum @themonsterp
3 min readAug 20, 2017


Nothing is ever new. It is impossible to go back and consequently to desolate it. It’s not a question here of mixing the ways but of giving primacy to the contemplation on action.

"Human is a totality, inside and outside are one. "

There are three types of Man: the "beginners" who stand in confusion and despise what escapes them; The "progressers" who appeal to reason and the "perfect", Men of intuition and experience, whose knowledge and love intertwine.

Human has fled his interiority to lose himself in the whirlwind which he created and which now absorbs it entirely.

It becomes only audible to the external voices that impose on it and influence.

Human being polluted, nature is in turn polluted. The evil that affects the exterior, the nature, the cosmos is carried by man before being exteriorized.

The media brings a «horizontal» knowledge to human and gives him the illusion of knowledge that is likely to suffice.

The vision of human extends and tears it away from his ghetto.

Man can live in hell or in heaven.

During his life, each Human is invited to undergo mutations and metamorphoses.

Retirement, solitude, and meditation are positive and indispensable to the inner life, to the knowledge of the « intelligible.»

Removing from the crowd, living with nature is sometimes necessary.

It’s so difficult to not be contaminated by mediocrity.

Living in the conditioning, entertainment and worries of the "world" prevents you from living with yourself.

We are all terribly weak, human misery is overwhelming.

Everything in our civilization is boundary and limit.

The interiorized Human recovers within himself to experience his beauty, his unlimited depth.

It’s thanks to her that he discovers her relationship with the whole universe.

It is important to sit down and remain quiet without asking whether progress has been made in its internal improvement.

The Human who finds himself in the way of liberation is condemned to loneliness by the mere fact of his choice.

This privacy becomes his paradise when he understands that he can discover everything.

Many Birds are lonely. It is up to everyone to know what race he belongs to.

Whether Human is lonely or not, he is always a Man.

To each his way. The paths chosen do not have to be compared.

The one who takes a «vertical» dimension becomes effective with regard to all other men.

The « liberated » men collaborate in the creation of a new life.

They are in harmony with the universe.

« Inner research can’t co-operate with a «materialistic » civilization.

By despising and forgetting the deep laws that govern Human and the universe, we destroy the roots of man and the universe.

Most Men live outside of themselves. Too linked to habits, too dependent on an authoritarian past, heavy and frustrating, They are exiled from their true homeland without experiencing the ordeal of exile.

To live with oneself presupposes first of all to know oneself.

The contemplation of self must be understood as a deployment of its center, allowing knowledge of the world of the intelligible.

Human listens to his inner master and is self-sufficient. The answers given to his own questions come no longer from the outside but from within.

When to Happiness, it varies in each individual. It is especially experienced internally ...

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