Mother Talks
2 min readSep 24, 2019


#CoupleGoals is not Reality

I’m sorry but not sorry. There are so many people young and mid-twenties that are getting all over social media, taking peoples and the first hashtag that goes into the description is #CoupleGoals. But when it is all said and done, are you sure that you really want couple goals. Let me break down what a relationship is and being a couple with someone means.

Listen here the guy that I have been with and. committed to have are currently on year three. I love him with all my heart and thank my Higher Power bringing us together. Everyday is not easy, it can be cold and thunderstorms. But when that sun parts peeking out and the sky is beautiful. Baby those are the days you want to always have, cherish, and have gratitude for.

I think when a lot of people see things on the internet, movies, and definitely reality tv. They think that it’s like that twenty-four-seven and it’s not. Unless your the type of person that loves drama and getting into fights and things like that then good luck really having a relationship that is #couplegoals. On the other hand people don’t always like to show the gritty part of a relationship, the times where in you are hiding in your bathroom to fight back tears until you can’t anymore. Your screaming and arguing about the person your with isn’t looking at you the same, always on the phone when they come in the door, and flat out dogging you out because their dat was so much more terrible than yours. There are millions of reasons people that are in a relationship have disagreements because a lot of times it’s not always a fight. Oh don’t say that you have children in the mix?! Your really going to be in for a ride. You could simply have a fight that your partner isn’t doing something right when it comes to the kids or your child. But instead of getting mad and starting a fight or yelling, how about. you TEACH them how to do it your way? And come up with a solution. That’s powerful.

Being a “couple” with someone is not all about posting pictures and having hashtags but the union that you two can build together and have just not one thing but many things that you can look back and both say, we did the damn thing! And your children will look up to you and be able to confidently do all the things that their hearts desire. So instead of always posting what your pictures with your partner focus on what’s most important, the grind to stay together through all the love and hardships because when its all said and done, its all that matters.



Mother Talks

This is a special place in which I have created to share my life experiences and sharing with the world about being a Autism Mother, a Writer, and Book Lover.