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5 Reasons Why The Japanese Don’t Get FAT

3 min readJan 25, 2024


Did you know that the Japanese have the longest life expectancy in the world? It’s no coincidence that with good health, an ideal weight is also easily achieved. The Japanese have a 3% obesity rate compared to a whopping 35% in the USA.

So what do the Japanese do to stay healthy and slim?

1 Why The Japanese Diet Is Perfect For Staying Slim

The Japanese make their meals themselves. Traditionally they don’t eat processed ready meals or fast food. They cook their own meals. They eat simple food such as fish, rice and vegetables, soup and fruit.

Most people generally return to their ideal weight once they start making all their own meals cooked with local fresh food regardless of the diet.
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also eat a good amount of omega 3 fatty acids which is essential for a long healthy life. They also eat 5 times the amount of cruciferous vegetables that Americans do.

2 How The Japanese Squeeze In Regular Exercise Even With A Busy Lifestyle

The Japanese naturally do a lot more gentle exercise than Americans as cars are a luxury in Japan. So to commute to work, they either have to walk, cycle or get the train. Even on a train, they stand up due to lack of space.

There is a correlation between the amount of time you spend sitting every day and life expectancy. Because the Japanese stand and walk a lot more, they live longer. Regular exercise is also great for achieving an ideal weight

3 How The Japanese Naturally Prevent Gut Damage

Did you know that when you have a damaged gut by eating unnatural foods, it’s very hard for the body to absorb nutrients. This can lead to health problems and weight gain.

The Japanese eat food which is easy to digest and doesn’t cause their gut damage so their bodies are generally healthier.

They also eat a lot of fermented food such as miso and kimchi which is very good for the digestion.
Japanese portion sizes are also a lot smaller than American portion sizes so the digestion never has to work too hard to process big heavy meals.

4 How The Japanese Protect Their Posture

The Japanese have excellent posture because they adopt the Seiza which is the formal way to sit in Japan. It is sitting on your heels like this.

This is the natural way for us all to sit. It is unnatural for us to sit in chairs all day and it is extremely damaging for our muscles. The way we sit in the west is very unhealthy. You can read more about why 

5 How The Japanese Make Sure Future Generations Remain Healthy And S
lost 56 pounds in a few months with my This video shows you how you can do the same. Take my 28 day challenge to drop a whole dress size in one month following this easy plan. Best of all, you’ll barely spend any time in the kitchen, and you can even eat on the go if you need to.

Finally, there is one last element to a long healthy life which includes not having to worry about your weight. That is simply education.
In the past all societies passed their knowledge down from generation to generation. They knew what the best practices were for staying healthy, slim, getting along together and protecting themselves

