Allah — the Moon God?

What Does Archeology of The Middle East Say?

The Muslim Apologist
4 min readJun 26, 2024

In recent years, some people have said that Muslims worship Allah the moon god. This idea has caused talks and questions. But where did this idea come from, and is it true?

The idol alleged by Morey has nothing to do with Islam

This idea mainly comes from Dr. Robert Morey. He said that a stone figure found in Hazor showed Allah as a moon god. However, this idea is more a guess than a fact. Morey’s idea does not have strong proof and many experts do not agree with him.

Roots of the Word Allah

Lane’s Lexicon on the entry “Allah”

Lane’s Lexicon says “Allah” means “the only true God.” This should stop the moon god idea. Even with this clear meaning, some people still say Allah is a moon god, often because they do not understand the word “Allah.”

The roots of the word “Allah” are important. The word has deep roots in Semitic languages. Words like “Eloh” in Hebrew, “Alah” in Aramaic, and “Allah” in Arabic all mean God. To call Allah a “moon god” based on weak language links is wrong. It ignores the shared history of these languages, which all speak of one God, not many gods tied to things like the moon.

Before Islam in Arabia

Before Islam, people in Arabia worshipped many gods. But none of these gods were named “Allah.” The name “Allah” always meant one supreme God. Saying Allah is linked to moon worship ignores that Islam strongly opposes worshipping idols.

Islam teaches belief in one God, Allah. This idea strongly goes against worshipping the moon or other objects. This belief is central to Islam, further showing that Allah is not a moon god.

The Crescent Moon Symbol

Some Christian missionaries say the crescent moon in Islam shows moon worship. This is not true. The crescent moon was first used in early Islamic empires for practical reasons, like marking the start of each month in the Islamic calendar. This calendar is important for dates like Ramadan and Hajj. The crescent moon does not mean moon worship but helps organize religious life.

Symbols in religions often have deeper meanings. In Islam, the crescent moon shows unity and the cycle of life, matching the teaching of one God and the shortness of human life. This use of the crescent moon follows Islamic teachings that ban idol worship, supporting the worship of Allah alone.

Comparing this to symbols in other religions, like the Star of David in Judaism and the Cross in Christianity, shows that symbols stand for deeper beliefs and histories without being worshipped themselves.

Arguments About Allah’s Start

  1. The claim that Allah comes from Iah the moon god “Lah” is false.
  2. Experts have disproved the moon god idea.
  3. Allah was not seen as a moon god in the Koraish Pantheon.
  4. Muhammad did not recognize a moon god to please pagans, and moon worship was not a common practice in Arabia. The Quran rejects moon worship.
  5. Hubal was not a moon god, and the idea that Allah came from the moon god rituals is false.
  6. The term “Allah” means “The God” and was used in pre-Islamic Arabia to refer to the supreme deity.
  7. Allah is emphasized as the One God, disproving the moon god idea.
  8. The debate over Allah replacing Hubal as a moon god lacks evidence.
  9. Some Christians claim Allah is a moon god, but Jewish experts and others disprove this.
  10. Arabian religion was polytheistic, with many gods worshipped, and early Christians celebrated moon festivals.
  11. The idea that Allah is a Jewish invention from the 10th century is false.
  12. Robert Morey, a Christian extremist, speculated about a moon god named Allah.
  13. Critics say the evidence is insufficient to prove Allah was a moon god, suggesting the name evolved.
  14. Some argue the crescent moon symbol links Allah to moon worship, but this claim is false.
  15. The moon god idea is often spread by evangelical groups to discredit Islam.
  16. Muslims today see Allah as the One True God, beyond any pagan origins.

Clearing the Moon God Allah Myth

While the claim that Allah is a moon god might be interesting to some, it is a theory with little proof. It goes against the main teachings of Islam. It is important to look at such claims carefully and understand the history, language, and beliefs behind them.

The crescent moon is a symbol in Islam, not a sign of moon worship. It helps unite Muslims under their shared beliefs and practices. This understanding shows that the moon god idea is not a serious idea but a mistake about Islamic beliefs and the shared history of Semitic languages and religions.

In conclusion, the moon god Allah idea is not a true scholarly idea but a mistake that misrepresents Islamic beliefs. It ignores the real origins and history of the word Allah. Understanding these facts helps to see the moon god idea as a false claim that does not fit with the teachings and beliefs of Islam.



The Muslim Apologist

The Muslim Apologist specializes in apologetics and comparative religion, focusing on Judaism, Christianity, and Islam since 1999.