Alice in Wonderland: A Classic Children’s Book or a Psychedelic Nightmare?

Nathan Chen
4 min readApr 6, 2023

Alice in Wonderland is a classic children’s book that has been beloved for generations. But let’s be real, this book is a total trip (and not in a good way). From the talking animals to the bizarre characters, there are plenty of things wrong with Alice in Wonderland.

Photo by Haley Lawrence on Unsplash

First of all, let’s talk about the White Rabbit. This guy is always in a hurry, constantly checking his pocket watch and running late. And yet, Alice follows him down a rabbit hole without a second thought. I mean, who does that? If a stranger dressed in a rabbit costume showed up and told me to follow him, I would run the other way.

Once Alice falls down the rabbit hole, things only get weirder. She meets talking animals, eats mushrooms that make her grow and shrink, and drinks potions that make her change size. And let’s not forget about the Cheshire Cat, who appears and disappears at will, leaving Alice utterly confused.

And then there are the characters. The Mad Hatter and the March Hare are both completely bonkers, and the Queen of Hearts is downright terrifying. She’s constantly yelling “Off with their heads!” and seems to have a real problem with anyone who disagrees with her.

But perhaps the most disturbing thing about Alice in Wonderland is the fact that Lewis Carroll…



Nathan Chen

I'm Nathan Chen, a queer Asian writer advocating for LGBTQ+ issues, Asian representation, work life & mental health. Let's explore life's complexities together!