Gorpcore: When Hikers Became High-Fashion Icons

Trail boots and puffer jackets on the runway? Let’s unpack this.

Nathan Chen
4 min readOct 17, 2023
Photo by NEOM on Unsplash

I still remember the days when wearing my rugged hiking boots downtown would get me more side-eyes than appreciative nods. But oh, how the tables have turned. Nowadays, those same boots are worn by models strutting down the runway. Welcome to the world of Gorpcore, my friends, where functionality marries fashion, and the outcome? Jaw-droppingly fabulous.

A Brief Tryst with the Past

The term ‘Gorpcore’ was coined by The Cut in 2017, but let’s be real — outdoorsy gear has always had a charm of its own. Remember when “dad sneakers” were a thing? Yeah, those weren’t really designed for the dance floor. They were practical and sturdy, like that reliable friend you call when your car breaks down at 2 am. And, like that friend, they too eventually became cool.

Gorp What Now?

If you’re like me and wondered, “Why on earth is it called Gorpcore?”, don’t fret. ‘GORP’ is an acronym for “Good Old Raisins and Peanuts,” or basically trail mix. It’s what hikers munch on. And just like its name, Gorpcore is a delicious mix of utilitarian aesthetics and fashion-forward thinking.

Tips to Nail the Gorpcore Look



Nathan Chen

I'm Nathan Chen, a queer Asian writer advocating for LGBTQ+ issues, Asian representation, work life & mental health. Let's explore life's complexities together!