The Summary of Life

Syed Masood I
2 min readDec 17, 2019

Syed Masood I

The Summary of Life.

17 December 2019

Note from writer:

I wanna thank you all for supporting me in my past posts. And please do comment your views about my blog in the comments section it helps me a lot. I wanna thank all my dear friends for being a huge support to me at times of my happiness and even during my hardships. Thank you all for patiently reading my blog. Make sure you comment your views.

Life is beautiful but not always easy, it has problems too, and the challenges lies in facing them with courage, letting the beauty of life act like a balm, which makes the pain bearable, during trying times by providing hope. Happiness, sorrow, victory, defeat, day-and night are the two sides of the me coin.

Similarly, life is full of moments of joy, pleasure, success and comfort punctuated by misery, defeat, failures and problems. There is no human being on Earth, strong, powerful, wise or rich, who has not experienced, struggle, suffering, or failure. No doubt life is beautiful and every moment is a celebration of being alive, but one should be always ready to face difficulties and challenges. A person who has not encountered any difficulties or challenges in life mark my word never can achieve success.

Difficulties test the courage, patience, perseverance and true character of a human being. Difficulties and hardships make a person strong and ready to face the challenges of life with calmness and composure. There is no doubt the there can be no gain without pain. Thus, life is and should not be a bed of roses, thrones are also a part of it and should be accepted just as we accept the beautiful part of life.

The thrones remind one of how success and happiness can be evasive and does to fell disappointed and become victims of depression and frustration. One who faces difficulties with courage and accepts success without letting it go to its head is the one who experiences the real happiness, contentment and peace of life.

