The Revolution Will Be Bought, The White Faces Of BLM.

The New Black
4 min readJun 1, 2020


Black Lives Matter was founded in 2013. Since then this organisation has grown rapidly in size. The organisation has a loose structure with no hierarchy. Despite this, the organisation has managed to coordinate many mass protests.

The death of George Floyd has led to Black Lives Matter once again taking centre stage. But, during this media storm, I have opted to look at the background of Black Lives Matter, the organisation not the sentiment.

In all honesty, I have not been pleased with what I have found.

Black Lives Matter is an Incorporated Company

Whilst reading the ‘About Us’ page on the Black Live Matter page, I was confused at the full title of the organisation which is Black Lives Matter Foundation, Inc. According to American law any company that has been incorporated has to make this distinction. So this cannot be an aesthetic choice.

Seeing as BLM is an incorporated company, I tried to find some of their filings online but so far I have drawn a blank.

However, looking at some of the companies and corporations that fund BLM, I can only believe that BLM is a white owned organisation in black sheeps clothing.

Particularly telling is the fact that through official press releases BLM never refers to itself as a civil rights movement.

Black Lives Matter Foundation, Inc. is a chapter-based, member-led organization in the US, UK, and Canada.

All this would be conjecture and me overanlysing until you look at the money behind the organisation.


Everyone knows the Kellogs company for their wonderful brands of cereal. The company was started by Will Keith Kellog with the help of his brother John Harvey Kellog.

Recently, the W. K Kellog foundation named after its namesake donated $1 million to Black Lives Matter. This would be good news if not for the past of the Kellogs family.

J. H Kellogs was a known proponent of Eugenics and racial segregation. In fact, he believed that race was threatened both by racial mixing and mental defectives. Eugenics and euthenics were ideological approaches that presented an answer to disease and degeneracy, as well as racial hygiene.

Kellogg also published extensively on his beliefs, including Needed — A New Human Race (1914), The Eugenics Registry(1915), and Health and Efficiency(1915).


Another big donor to the Black Lives Matter company is the Ford Foundation. Now Ford is most popular for their pickup trucks but Henry Ford was a well-known racist. Whilst writing a dissertation on the Nazis, I discovered Hitler to an extent was influenced by Ford.

A company Ford owned was responsible for publishing the book ‘The International Jew’. This was full of anti-Semitic ideas some consider to have influenced the Nazis. What is even more shocking was that Kellogs and his personal secretary, Ernest G. Liebold, began to discuss a series of articles on “The Jewish Question”. This was well before Hitler took power in 1920.

We also cannot forget the controversy Ford was thrust into last year when they used a speech from Martin Luther King to sell pickup trucks.

This begs the question, was the leadership of BLM consulted before this ad was published? Did they cosign it? This shows that these corporations just care about virtue signaling by throwing money around.

Organisations such as these being the big donors behind BLM are the reason why I can never support the organisation and I urge other people to stop supporting as well.

However, we must not stop fighting injustice from the police. But getting into bed with racist corporations is not how we win this fight. This is how these corporations will destroy us from the inside.

One has to wonder why what I believed to be a civil rights movement accepts donations from corporations that have never been allies of black people.

There are more organisations that are propping up BLM that I have not mentioned here. I may do a part two of this article.

If you disagree with any point made, comment below.



The New Black

Promoting action instead of protest. Its 2020, not 1960, the same methods won’t work. Black Lives Matter not the organisation!