Bodyweight Abs Workout in 12 minutes

5 min readMar 18, 2020


Bodyweight Abs Workout in 12 minutes

Who doesn’t want six-pack abs? Maybe not everyone, but if you’re reading this article I think there’s a decent chance. I’m sure you’re aware, but the reality of achieving that body is a lot of hard work. That being said, you can most certainly get a six-pack doing a bodyweight abs workout.

If you’ve ever spent much time in a commercial gym, you’ll find that most people are still doing bodyweight (or bodyweight-like) exercises for their abs. Why? Because they work! Your abdominal muscles are designed to stabilize your core and keep the upper and lower halves of your body working in sync. It’s for this reason that whole-body exercises like leg raises and planks work so well.

In order to be time-efficient, we’re going to do this workout as a circuit. We’re going to do each exercise for thirty seconds, taking ten seconds between each to rest and get ready for the next exercise. After each round of the circuit, we’re going to rest for ninety seconds to recover, before starting it over again.

The Workout

Here’s what you’re going to need for this bodyweight abs workout:

Enough open space to lie down and stretch outYoga mat (or another soft place to lay)Timer (pre-configured timer linked below)

Lying Leg Raise Bodyweight Exercise

1 — Lying Leg Raise

We’re starting this workout off with thirty seconds of lying leg raises. You should focus on performing this exercise with constant control, using smooth and deliberate movements. If you swing your legs up and let them fall back down without control, you will not achieve proper tension through your abs with this exercise.

Begin lying face-up on the ground, with your hands palm-down by your sides. Tuck your pelvis so that your lower back is flat on the floor before beginning to lift your legs. Slowly and smoothly bring them up to ninety degrees, before slowly and smoothly lowering them back down without touching the floor. Ensure that you keep tension through your core, and your lower back pressed flat against the floor the entire time. Maintain a steady tempo for all thirty seconds.

If you happen to have something like a doorway pull-up bar and this exercise is too easy for you, feel free to replace it with hanging leg raises or toes-to-bars.

Russian Twist Bodyweight Exercise

2 — Russian Twist

After you’re finished with the lying leg raises, we’re going to rest for ten seconds before starting Russian twists. Despite the example, a weight is not necessary for this exercise, although you should feel free to add some if they’re too easy otherwise.

Start this exercise in a V-up position, sitting on your rear with your knees bent, and feet hovering a few inches from the ground. Clasp your hands together in front of your stomach, and rotate from your shoulders to move your clasped hands from side to side. Try to keep your head up and chest open, avoid moving your arms from the shoulder. Move quickly and controlled for thirty seconds.

Hollow Hold Bodyweight Exercise

3 — Hollow Hold

Ten more seconds of rest and we’re back with a hollow hold! This is another exercise that requires you to keep your pelvis tucked, with your lower back flat against the floor. If you start to let your lower back round, you’ll begin to lose tension through abs. Your aim for this exercise should be to hold yourself in the shape of an open parenthesis.

The most consistent way I’ve found to set up for this exercise is to lie flat on your back, with your hips and knees at ninety degrees. Reach your arms above your head, with your head and upper back lifted off the ground. From this position, enter the hollow hold by pushing your legs out straight, while keeping your feet a few inches off the ground and simultaneously reach your hands back above your head and tuck your chin, without letting your shoulder blades touch the ground.

If you don’t feel comfortable doing this exercise, or it’s too hard, feel free to replace it with a plank. If you need to make this exercise a bit harder or easier, you can adjust how far from the ground your feet are. The closer to the ground you hold your feet, the harder the hollow hold is going to be and vice versa.

Bicycle Crunch Bodyweight Exercise

4 — Bicycle Crunch

Finally, we’re going to round out each circuit with thirty seconds of bicycle crunches. Once again, you need to keep your pelvis tucked for this exercise! Be mindful of your form, this exercise is easy to cheat.

During the bicycle crunch, you need to keep your shoulder blades raised off the ground with your hands behind your head, elbows pointing out. Alternate bringing each of your knees up and rotating your torso to bring your opposite elbow towards it.

There’s a tendency for people to cheat this exercise by bringing the elbow forwards to meet the knee. This is not the correct form. You have to keep your elbow back and rotate from your midsection. Move as quickly as you can under control for thirty seconds.

Bodyweight Workout (3–5 circuits)
MovementDurationLeg Raise30sRest10sRussian Twist30sRest10sHollow Hold30sRest10s Bicycle Crunch 30sRest90s
Interval Timer

I Did It! Now, Where Are My Abs?

Congratulations! I hope you feel both accomplished and well worked out. Before you start getting ahead of yourself, building a strong core takes time and repetition. If you’re already on a workout program, consider adding some more ab work. If you’re not already, you should think about starting one!

Sadly for all of us who love food, you can’t out-work a bad diet. If you really want to get shredded, you have to eat like you’re shredded. This means high nutrient density, low calorie density foods like fibrous vegetables and lean meats are key. You have to eat healthy. Having an indulgence every so often isn’t going to prevent you from making progress, but indulging regularly will. This might not mean counting calories, but it does mean cutting sugary drinks (Starbucks and soda), sweet treats, and snack foods out of your daily (or weekly) routine.

After all, no matter how strong and developed your abs are, you can’t see them if they’re covered with fat. If you want to get a sick six-pack, you’re going to need to start burning fat. And the best way to start burning fat is to build muscle. Effort, consistency, and nutrition. These are the ingredients for getting muscular and lean. All that’s missing is you actually going out and achieving it.

