UX Writing: The secret to drive User Engagement

Nikhil Deshpande
5 min readMay 30, 2024


A person typing on a laptop

I recently had an opportunity to attend a webinar on UX Writing (also called ‘UX Copy’) and its importance, while I learnt quite a lot from the webinar, I took some time to study & learn more about UX Writing with the hopes that it would greatly help in my profession as a UX Designer, it also peaked my interest. Now I have tried to write all I learnt about UX Writing.

What is UX Writing?

UX writing is a practice of creating and testing copies in UI (User Interface) that helps guide the users, hence making the experience engaging and intuitive through clear, concise and helpful text.
Examples of UX Writing would include notifications, have you seen the food delivery app; Zomato’s notifications? Those notifications are great examples of UX Writing/Copy, those UX copies connect with the user well and it seems like an actual person is communicating with you.

Zomato’s funny and relatable notification, which people can connect with as it seems like an actual person is communicating with them.
An example of Zomato’s notifications

Other UX Writing examples include, titles in an app or website, CTA buttons, instructions on forms or input fields, etc.

You noticed I mentioned “UX Copy”? I had a question during the webinar: How is Copywriting different from UX Writing? I received quite some insights about the difference in the 2 forms of writing.

How does UX Writing differ from Copywriting?

While the 2 forms of writing are quite similar to each other, the difference lies within the focus or the outcome the 2 forms are looking to achieve.

As you may have read it in the very beginning of this article, UX writing focuses on improving the User Experience in digital products by writing clear, concise and user friendly content which guides the user through the tasks within the product.
While copywriting focuses on driving the sales and marketing by writing persuasive and attractive content to promote the product, which leads to the sale of the product.

Let’s say: Copywriting helps in briging new customers/ User for the product while UX Writing helps in engaging and keeping the existing users/ customers.

Why does UX Writing matter?

Avoid Confusion

UX Writing is important to ensure that digital products are easy to use and understand. Clear and concise language is essential to avoid confusion, which can make the user to stop using the product. A good UX Copy can give clear instructions which helps the user navigate through the product, which in turn reduces likely errors and the user knows what is to be done to complete a task and what is to be expected next.

Examples of confusing buttons which can lead to errors at the user end vs clear and easy to understand options.
Confusing and Clear options for users to select from and avoid errors

Give Human-like experience

UX Writing can help create a human-like experience by using natural language and friendly tone. This type of UX Writing makes the product feel more approachable and relatable, which can lead to increased and better user engagement and loyalty. By using language that is friendly, approachable, and empathetic, UX Writing can help build trust and rapport with users, making them feel more comfortable and confident in their interactions with the product.

Example of Robotic error message with no clear indication of what to do next and an example of clear error message with an indication of what the user needs to do next
Robotic error message and human like error message

Just redesigning doesn’t help

Design and UX Copy are inter-connected, just redesigning the product without updating the UX Copy can lead to an un-easy user experience. A beautifully designed product with poor UX Copy can still confuse or mislead users, which will lead to errors. But, a product with a simple design but an excellent UX Copy can be very effective in helping and guiding users through the interface of the product.

Redesigning without correct UX Copy does not help, but using the same design with updated and clear UX Copy can be effective
UX Copy examples with new design and old design

How to write better UX Copies?

This webinar I attended gave me quite some insights on how to write better UX Copies, from what I learnt in the webinar and some digging around on the internet, there are a few key principles that will help in writing excellent UX Copies, called The 5Cs of UX Writing.

1. Clear

Use simple, everyday language that is easy to understand. Avoid jargon, technical terms, and abbreviations that may confuse users. Break down complex information into smaller, digestible chunks.

Example of 5Cs of UX writing: Be Clear
Simple and easy language that’s easy to understand

2. Concise

Use short, simple sentences and paragraphs. Remove unwanted words. Avoid repetition and reiteration of the same information. Use bullet points or numbered lists to present information efficiently.

Use of unnecessary words is not useful when the same message can be conveyed in shorter format
Short and to the point message

3. Constructive

Provide users with clear guidance and purpose in the content. Offer valuable information that helps users understand what actions they can take to proceed effectively within a digital product.

Examples of Error message with constructive and non constructive copy
UX Copy should have a constructive message/ action for the user to take

4. Conversational

Use a friendly and approachable tone, engage users in a natural and relatable manner. Connect with the users and make the interaction pleasant. Do not use robotic statements.

Example of a good and friendly UX Copy which does not seem robotic
A good UX Copy has a friendly tone to help the users

5. Consistent

Maintain uniformity in language, tone and style throughout the interface, allowing the user to get used to it. Consistent terminology and messages will help users to navigate through the interface seamlessly.

An example of how consistency in UX Copy matters for a smooth user experience
Inconsistent copy can confuse the user, while consistent copy can help user get used to the language in app

Bonus Tips

Some more interesting insights on writing good UX Copies to help users interact with your app or website.

Don’t Confirm-shame the users

Don’t make the users feel guilty for the choices they make.

Use Numbers

Psychologically, numbers represent facts and logic. Numbers are also easy to read.

Flesch-Kincaid Readability

Widely used as measures of readability, higher your score on 0–100 scale the better, low score means the text is complicated to understand.

Thank You!

I tried putting all I learnt in this article here, hope this helps you understanding what UX Writing is, the importance and the principles: 5Cs of UX Writing.



Nikhil Deshpande

UI UX Designer who is also a weeb and a gamer, with 5+ years in the field of UX & UI Design. Passionate about all things design.