22 Healthcare Marketing Statistics that You Can’t Ignore

6 min readJul 28, 2023


Healthcare Marketing Statistics

  • Learn about marketing statistics, averages, and trends, and compare your results with those of other healthcare-related firms.
  • Millions of people now have access to health information because of the Internet.
  • Too frequently, people will use web resources to get medical-related solutions and discover accurate, confirmed information about ailments and symptoms.
  • Healthcare practices are spending significant time and resources on digital marketing to increase their visibility and draw in more patients now that they understand how important it is to interact with customers online.
  • In order to assist you to keep one step ahead of the competition and avoid making investments that won’t benefit your bottom line, we have put together a list of the top healthcare marketing statistics.

Traffic and conversions are significantly influenced by organic search.

One of the most popular channels, search marketing is still expanding every year. The majority of healthcare marketers employ search to broaden their audience and concentrate on a particular demographic who is looking for a certain treatment or solution.

1. Up to 76% of website traffic comes from organic and sponsored searches.

Search marketing is one of the most economical ways to increase traffic and visibility for your medical practice.

2. A whopping 66% of internet users go online for details about a specific illness or health issue.

Organic search is crucial for online exposure and frequently represents the initial point of contact for customers. Before contacting a healthcare provider, patients often go to Google to find the information they require or desire.

3. SEO leads have a 14.6% close rate, compared to 1.7% for outbound leads (such as those from direct mail or print advertising).

It may cost more money to obtain a lead through outbound marketing. Users today prefer to research health-related concerns on their own by visiting reliable sources.

4. Every year, Google receives at least 100 billion queries related to healthcare.

That represents 273 million daily searches for healthcare. For those with health-related queries or symptoms, Google is a popular resource for information.

5. Local convenience is essential as “near me” searches for healthcare marketing services have increased since 2015.

Over the past few years, “near me” searches have become incredibly popular, and this trend is expanding in the healthcare sector.

Healthcare marketers can draw in patients who are prepared to buy through paid search.

Paid search is crucial because it is extremely targeted and enables advertisers to rank highly on Google without relying on organic rankings. This possibility has been recognized by healthcare marketers, who are using PPC to target the appropriate audience based on their search intent, preferences, and even location.

6. The average conversion rate for paid search is 5%.

Through the use of high-intent keywords, PPC enables healthcare marketers to draw in patients who are prepared to convert.

7. According to Google, 63% of searchers focus their judgments on a service’s accessibility from their home or place of business.

In the healthcare sector, location targeting is crucial. Google will be used by people to locate the nearest hospital or medical facility.

8. By the end of 2021, digital ad spending in the healthcare marketing industry will have surpassed $11 billion.

Due to earlier concerns about patient confidentiality, the healthcare sector has been sluggish to use digital advertising. However, patients today are considerably more tech-savvy, and healthcare marketers are leveraging this by spending more on digital advertising.

9. The average cost per click for healthcare advertising is $3.17.

The healthcare sector is cutthroat, and advertisers are always vying for available advertising space. As a result, in order to outbid the competition, healthcare marketers are paying about $3.17 per click.

10. A healthcare marketing lead typically costs $162.

  • While it is simple and stress-free to measure cost per lead, it is not a reliable predictor of how efficient your advertising is.
  • Even though some channels can result in lower cost-per-lead figures, they frequently tend to produce worse-qualified leads that just don’t equate to anything.
  • Healthcare marketers must therefore look beyond cost per lead data and concentrate on key metrics that are more important to the organization, such as revenue per click and lifetime value.

For healthcare marketers, referrals represent a big opportunity.

In the healthcare industry, word-of-mouth and referral marketing are efficient means of attracting new clients and fostering expansion. Before interacting with a healthcare expert, most consumers will read reviews or look for guidance online. To guarantee long-term success, healthcare marketers must assure a consistent flow of referrals from current and former patients.

11. The average conversion rate of referrals is 7.2%.

Comparing referrals to other marketing channels, we discovered that referrals had a greater conversion rate.

12. Online reviews are the primary factor in 68% of patients who choose doctors based on word-of-mouth recommendations.

To attract the interest of new audiences, you might want to encourage prior and current patients to submit reviews.

13. 68% of potential patients create an opinion regarding your practice after reading just 1–6 internet reviews.

A bad review can hurt your reputation and client acquisition. You can manage how people perceive your company by responding to and managing reviews.

14. Consumers are 84% more likely to believe online reviews than personal suggestions.

Positive patient testimonials can be easily and effectively displayed on your website to draw in more visitors.

Online research and telephone conversion are common among patients seeking medical care.

Even though the process may begin online, many patients still prefer to call and make appointments and inquiries about healthcare services. Interaction between patients and medical staff is frequently complex and frequently entails the exchange of private and sensitive data.

15. According to our research, 39.2% of conversions take place on the phone.

People frequently ask for more in-depth information on medical conditions and treatments. Calls improve communication and give patients a more secure and effective way to get their queries answered.

16. After conducting a Google search, 52.3% of patients are more likely to make a phone call.

Our research indicates that people are more likely to pick up the phone following a Google search for health-related information.

17. Online scheduling accounts for only 2.4% of medical appointments.

Studies have revealed an increase in millennials making appointments for medical care via online booking systems, despite the fact that most patients are hesitant to provide personal health information via an online form.

18. 33% of health providers claim that their phone conversion rates have gone up by 25% in the last year.

A rise in phone consultations and assessments was brought about by Covid-19.

19. The conversion rate for the healthcare marketing industry as a whole is 3.2%, while top performers can reach 21.1%.

According to a Ruler Analytics database sample, the typical healthcare website converts 3.2% of visitors into qualified prospects.

20. The average conversion rate for organic search is 5.6%.

Healthcare has a slightly higher organic conversion rate than the national average (5.0%), according to our analysis of 14 different businesses.

21. The average conversion rate for emails is 5.0%.

Healthcare practitioners can send appointment reminders via email, but it’s also a great approach to maintaining relationships with current patients and attracting new ones.

22. The average conversion rate for social organic is 3.0%.

Social organic does have advantages even though it has the lowest conversion rate. A local audience can be attracted using social media, and your patients can share their positive experiences and views there as well.

Lead generation opportunities for healthcare marketers:

You should have a better understanding of how you compare to your competition, so what now?

To put you ahead, consider the following tips:

1. Reviews are essential for lead generation:

People who need healthcare often look at reviews to make sure they’re getting the best care. Online referrals play a crucial role in the customer journey, and marketers in the healthcare industry must compete for these references to gain an advantage and ensure long-term results.

2. Target local keywords to draw the right kind of conversions:

The best way to bring patients to your local practice is by targeting local keywords. Optimizing for local SEO will help place your practice higher in searches like “near me”. If you have the budget, put some money into PPC to increase your reach and draw more targeted traffic.

3. Calls are better for ROI:

Inbound calls are regarded as the most beneficial marketing conversion; research from Marketing Sherpa and Hubspot suggests that form fill-out leads only convert around 2% of the time compared to 25–40% of inbound calls becoming customers for local businesses. When a lead calls for extra information, they’re typically more interested and more likely to commit to your business. Google Ads call extensions can be a great approach for healthcare practices looking to increase their incoming calls.

4. Attribution tools can reveal what’s working well and what isn’t:

Healthcare services have implemented tech that captures and records interactions, boosts patient satisfaction and reduces advertising costs. Modern healthcare marketers are investing more in attribution software that tracks cross-channel journeys more effectively and helps direct budget spending where it’s needed most.

