Less than 6 months!?!

There is just not enough hours in the day to accomplish everything I want to.

It’s hard to imagine that almost six months ago I started walking down the path of cybersecurity. I took my first step in with HackTheBox Academy, and was really doubting it. I soon after found TryHackMe and that all changed. I got addicted! I think it took me less than 3 months to rank up to 1%. While I was doing this I was networking with people on LinkedIn, growing my connections and community. I never expected to find so many motivators pushing me on. It was something I’ve never experienced before. I’ve never had this many people lift me up, and keep me going, not letting me quit. I ran with that motivation and made it everything I am today. In less than 6 months I’ve accomplished so much, I still have a hard time thinking about how short that’s been.

TryHackMe Top 1%

TryHackMe Monthly for Oct #13\50

With the help of Martin Anthony we put together The Ruby Zoo on July 29th, which is now almost 200 member strong.

Working on creating West Coast Cyber Security group since most people seem to not be able to find one for us, especially here in California.

I have had 4 interviews. All went pretty well, and had great outcomes, but was still a bit too green.

Currently building up my skillset to take on an assessment for another role with NCC Group. And if all goes well will be considered for hire.

Was recognized by TCM Security and gifted their PNPT voucher which I am currently studying to take.

I have passed all but 2 of the TryHackMe paths, and both that are left are over 50 % complete.

I’ve set up a kalibox that I continue to work with install new tools, practice with, and learn as much as I can with. Trying to always find something new it’s capable of.

Have been learning how to write pentesting reports.

Have read 3 books in this time as well.

Passed the Cisco cybersecurity fundamentals course.

Participated in my first king of the Hill on TryHackMe.

Completed my first medium level HackTheBox room. As well as all the starting point rooms.

Got to completely revamp my resume and make it geared towards my path.

And have worked on my self, and my mental state. Doing all this has been such a great way for me to relieve stress, and find ways to communicate with others.

I still amaze my own self, that I do all this while living in a car, trying to hold down responsibilities, as well as maintain a marriage, and keep everything from falling apart.

Next I got to repair my car, leaking waaay too much oil, you can see where I’ve been driving.

I just really need this to happen. It’s getting harder to live. Walls of time are closing in on my chances to try and make something happen.

I’ve been able to accomplish all this in less than 6 months… because I’m determined to make it happen. I am determined to be a force. I’m determined to get out of my current situation. I’m tired of sleeping in a bed once a week when I can afford a motel room. Tired of not knowing what a vacation feels like. Tired of being tired.

I hope anyone who thinks they can’t make this happen… sees my story and can get motivated by it. Because if I can do it, you can do it too!! I wish everybody nothing the best, and I really do genuinely wish success for all.