Conyo Thingzzz

Written by Angela Jo Niday

The NORSUnian
3 min readNov 21, 2021
Art by Mourice Villalon

In today’s generation, along with the swift evolution and modernization comes the inevitable dynamics of languages and words. Every day, new slang is created by teenagers, for they are so immersed in social media platforms, welcoming such influences as vlogs, movies, and books.

Conyo is a Filipino slang, wherein one combines Filipino and English language in a single sentence, and pronounces it in a distinct and querulous way. Here are some Conyo words by Gen Z that might interest you!


What we thought it meant: Marine animals, bio marine resources

What it actually means: “Can I see?” (Patingin?)

How it got there: Shark = Pating = PATINGin

Example: “Sharks naman ng flat 1 mo, bhie!”


What we thought it meant: Species of oily freshwater fish

What it actually means: “Are you game?” or “Are you in?”

How it got there: Carps = Carpet = Rug = R U G = Are you G?

Example: “Let’s group study bukas sa G-Meet. Carps?”


What we thought it meant: Pictures

What it actually means: “I am game.” or “Sure!”

How it got there: Pics = Pictures = Images = I M G = I am G

Example: “Shopping us tomorrow sa tiangge?” “Pics!”


What we thought it meant: A musical group

What it actually means: “Ano na?” or “What is up?”

How it got there: Ano na = Anona = Anuna

Example: “Matagal pa ba yan like mga 48 years? Anuna?”


What we thought it meant: Starbucks

What it actually means: “Copy.”

How it got there: Starbucks = Coffee = Copy

Example: “Starbs mo na lang yung link from your G-Drive and paste it here sa Messenger.”


What we thought it meant: Timba or bucket

What it actually means: “Why?”

How it got there: Bucket = Bakit = Timbs

Example: “Timbs pala hindi ka naka-join ng online class yesterday?”


What we thought it means: Zodiac sign Sagittarius

What it actually means: Pilit or intentional

How it got there: Banana = saging = peel it = pilit = Sags

Example: “Sags na masyado ‘yung outputs mo, bro.”


What we thought it meant: Salt or condiment

What it actually means: As in

How it got there: Salt = Asin = As in

Example: “I am not convinced masyado sa teacher, bhie. Salt.”


What we thought it meant: A lady in uniform making movements with a baton

What it actually means: Minor subject

How it got there: Minor subject = Minor = Minorette

Example: “Hey, mamsh. Do you have an assignment na sa minorette?”


What we thought it meant: A thing that holds a plant, or used for cooking and storage

What it actually means: Okay

How it got there: Pots = Potassium = K

Example: “I don’t want to make muna the module, pots?”


What we thought it meant: A choice made by consideration of probabilities

What it actually means: Preference

How it got there: Agreeable = Bet

Example: “Ay bet siya because may motor!”

Filipinos are known to be creative and are often complimented as “mataba ang utak.” We hope that these lists would help you keep up with the youth lingo and enjoy using them in a sentence too.


Conyo. Urban Dictionary. (n.d.). Retrieved October 15, 2021, from

Jamie Sanchez. Apr 29, 2016. (2016, April 29). 10 crazy things kids are saying these days. SPOT.PH. Retrieved October 15, 2021, from

conyowords. (2016, July 19). Top conyo words used in ph. Retrieved October 15, 2021, from



The NORSUnian

The NORSUnian, commonly known as TN, is the official student publication of Negros Oriental State University (NORSU) System.