Development Update 10

3 min readDec 11, 2017


Voting Has Started

The document related to transitioning and instructions on voting can be found here.

Holders of atmos can now participate in an approval style voting system to vote on how balances will be transitioned to the future main net launch of Novusphere. If you have questions, join the discussion #novusphere-community on Discord!

2018 Expectations: Onwards and Upwards


In Q1 2018 it is expected a public testnet will be launched to test features intended for the final mainnet specification of Novusphere. There will be subsequent updates done to the testnet and possibly require abrupt hard forks until a point of sufficient point of satisfactory testing is reached. Nearing this point, we will be seeking a 3rd party audit as well as creating bounties for anyone who finds bugs ranging from harmless but unintended bugs to critical bugs that could cause permanent damage on mainnet requiring a hard fork to fix. Rewards will be offered in both atmos as well as bitcoin.


In January, at least two new official team members will join the Novusphere team.

One will fill the role of an official community manager. This will entail handling the majority of public and business relations with other entities ensuring clear communication across teams, partnerships and the overall community. The community manager will also help in ensuring media outlets such as but not limited to Twitter, Bitcointalk and Discord always have on going communication and the most up to date information. This will ensure better communication across all platforms as in 2017 discussion was shifted heavily towards Discord causing Bitcointalk to unintentionally be neglected.

The other will be another full time developer assisting with the overall development of Novusphere including the testnet and client interface. This implies that going forward there will be at least one voice of technical background able to physically and verbally represent Novusphere at conferences, scheduled meetups or online hangouts. This of course hasn’t been the case for 2017 as asphyxia has continued to remain fairly anonymous in terms of their identity.

Remembering Our Roots

As cryptocurrencies continue to grow in popularity, many new eyes are looking to get into the space. Many today are not interested in the space because of it’s technological merits or its disruptive implications but merely because they have seen the rapid exponential rise in value and want to be apart of it. Bitcoin wasn’t created to make people rich but without a doubt takes advantage of people’s greed to bootstrap restoring financial sovereignty.

Bitcoin is a tool for freeing humanity from oligarchs and tyrants, dressed up as a get-rich-quick scheme.
— Naval Ravikant (Twitter), 2017

A question recently arose from someone trying to better understand what AFIX achieves and what Novusphere’s purpose is. Paraphrasing they asked, “What prevents people from using the infrastructure for immoral unethical activity or unintended purposes?”

I realize the whole “the platform can be used for the wrong type of things” problem but honestly, that’s just a trade off that comes with giving power to the people. You can some what censor this, for example publicly hosted versions of AFIX could all collaboratively work together and publish a centralized blacklist that they enforce.. but nothing prevents someone from running the client locally and accessing the content. This goes for Steem as well and their platform suffers the same risk. One could argue for example Monero is a huge tool only for terrorism and DNM, but do people have a right to financial privacy?

It’s a fine line both morally, ethically and part of the reason I’ve continued to remain mostly anon despite given some greenlights that I can be open about some things. If this is successful, I don’t want fame or attention but rather for this moniker to serve as a reminder of how our freedoms have been eroded away and suffocated as we so freely gave them up and new generations were born unwilling to fight because they know not the worth of the rights they once had.
— asphyxia (Discord), 2017




Censorship resistance through blockchain and IPFS. Creating a platform to allow people to send, share and find whatever, whenever.