Development Update 14

3 min readFeb 13, 2018


Re: Visual Aesthetics

Over the last week, we’ve had some logos made:

We haven’t quite decided yet, but this should give you an idea of what’s to come.

Client Development

There’s still some work to do in terms of the rest of the user interface and main color palette hasn’t been decided yet (right now it’s primarily blue/white). If you have suggestions, please reach out on Discord and tag asphyxia or MrRobut directly as he is handling the redesign and implementation. One suggestion that we’re interested in but not a high priority is a night mode setting.

We’re carefully taking steps to ensure that the over all flow and use of the wallet is intuitive, user friendly, responsive to whatever platform you’re on and most importantly secure. In the future, you will be able to connect to your own node or a different 3rd party node as an access point to the Novusphere network instead of using the default node provided by the Novusphere team.

We currently now estimate release of the client within the next 2 weeks. We will be making a blog post pertaining to migration from the current atmos qt wallet upon release.


We’ve had some questions pertaining to exchanges such as following up with Bittrex and reaching out to Binance. Previously in our past discussions with Bittrex Julian had told us to reach out again later down the road. Once the testnet has been launched, we’ll be following up with them again. As for Binance, we’ll be reaching out to them later this week and we’ll keep the community posted if there’s any news pertaining to either of these exchanges.




Censorship resistance through blockchain and IPFS. Creating a platform to allow people to send, share and find whatever, whenever.