Development Update 2

2 min readAug 28, 2017


The primary focus of last week’s development was continuing work on the core functionality wallet plugin.

Join our discussion on Discord if you haven’t yet! This week we’ll be opening up the channels we’ve been using for testing and development discussion for public reading.

Web Wallet

At the time of last week’s development update, the wallet supported the most basic functionality of sending transactions and signing into the wallet with a BIP39 12 word seed.

AES Password Encrypted Mnemonic (Security Improvement)

When you sign in you’re now given the option of specifying a password. The wallet stores your mnemonic by encrypting it with AES using a sha256 hash of your password.

Any operations involving private keys (such as sending a transaction) now require you to re-specify your password so that your encrypted mnemonic can be decrypted and then private keys derived from it.

Local Storage (Staying Securely Signed In)

We’ve now added that if the browser you’re using has support for HTML5’s local storage then your mnemonic will be saved. This means you don’t constantly need to be re-entering your 12 word seed every time you wish to sign in.

This is securely done by storing an AES encrypted mnemonic discussed in the previous section. If the user forgets their password, this isn’t a problem since they can logout and then re-enter their 12 word seed with a new password.

Unconfirmed Transactions

The wallet now handles unconfirmed transactions and will show you how the unconfirmed transactions currently in the mempool will affect your balances.

Block Explorer

Now, there’s a native interface slowly seeing improvements. We’ve still left the iframe to the cryptoID explorer at this time since it provides far more comprehensive information such as taint analysis for guessing wallets, top balances, etc.

At this time, there are pages for addresses and transactions. Most addresses and transactions in the interface are clickable and will take you to the block explorer.


Tracking Progress

For the time being in relation to the blockchain interface, please follow:

To see upcoming enhancements, see:

Keep in mind new enhancements are always being added with on going community discussion as well as bugs/issues when reported. Have a suggestion on something you think we should be adding? Join the discussion on Discord!





Censorship resistance through blockchain and IPFS. Creating a platform to allow people to send, share and find whatever, whenever.