Development Update 9

1 min readNov 14, 2017


The community over the last week has been having on going discussions about the planning of Novusphere.

The consensus mechanism has been amended to change the voting of board members to an approval style, the weight of the vote to use a vesting period like system and reward those who participate in voting.

The bounty system has had some additional sections added further describing how the system will work. This mainly describes the blind voting procedure, how ties are settled, and consideration of aspects of how a bad actor may try to game the system.

Through community involvement, there are now 3 different proposed solutions to the distribution problem regarding how transitioning is handled. Since there are conflicting proposals now, we will soon be looking to start voting. Voting will be done in an approval style format and require users to sign a message which can be done in the atmos-qt client. Votes will be weighted by the amount of atmos on an address. If you move your atmos from an address you have voted with your weighted vote will update in correspondence.

One should expect continuous updates to these 3 documents as pros/cons are further evaluated by the community and new suggestions are proposed. These documents will soon be revised for consistency and term definition which should help prevent ambiguity and confusion.





Censorship resistance through blockchain and IPFS. Creating a platform to allow people to send, share and find whatever, whenever.