[Guide] Novusphere made easy!

Accessing the Novusphere network from the web

2 min readMar 2, 2018

Client & Souce / GitHub:


Introduction: Atmos/Wallet Management

Now with the release of our web client (click here) new users wishing to store atmos no longer are required to download the qt wallet and go through the hassle of keeping it synchronized to the network to transact.

Getting started is as easy:

  • First open the web client on any secure browser device
  • Select “Mnemonic” for the type of wallet
  • Write down the seed given to you on a piece of paper and store safely
  • While optional, it’s recommended you use a strong password before clicking “login” — Even if you forget your password you’ll always be able to restore your wallet so long as you have your back up seed! Please note if you don’t use a password, it is strongly recommended you logout when done!
  • Under “Address” this is your atmos address which can be used to withdraw coins to off of an exchange such as Cryptopia
  • To send coins, simply click “Send” and enter in the recipient and the amount. If you previously entered a password, you will need to re-enter it. If you have forgotten your password, you can click “Logout” and re-enter you back up seed.

Soon, we’ll be re-enabling the two factor authentication type of wallet and encouraging users use this instead of the mnemonic-only wallet as it will add some extra security, but until then we recommend using the mnemonic wallet.

AFIX: Accessing content on the testnet network

Soon we’ll be releasing our testnet publicly and updating the client to allow navigating through and browsing the content indexed within the network. You can find out more about our plans in Development Update 15.




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