The Most Important Life Lesson from The Joker

Gen Cruz


I am a wannabe of a lot of things.

I remember when I was a kid, I wanted to become an Engineer. Engineer of what, I had no idea. I probably couldn’t spell the word properly yet at the time.

When I was growing up, I wanted to become a professional basketball player. Although I didn’t grow as tall as I’d like to, I believe I was good at playing until I went to high school and dropped the ball. *wink*

During college and a little while after graduating, I wanted to become a partner in one of the Philippines’ biggest professional services firm. I got to work for the firm and I really loved working there. But that didn’t really pan out for me either. Dude, not even close.

Almost two years ago, after some heart-wrenching events in my life, several days of deep self-reflection, and a couple of great books read, I realized that there’s so much more to life than working your ass off for somebody in exchange for personal professional glory and a promise of financially abundant future. I also learned that it’s possible to work for yourself and be as happy as you can be anywhere else.

In short, I realized that I wanted to become an entrepreneur.

Fast forward to today, I’m still nowhere close to being one. And tomorrow, I’ll be going to the office to…

