🌎 5 Reasons to go Backpacking

Nycola S.
5 min readFeb 24, 2023
Traveller With Asian Straw Hat
Unsplash ~ Giau Tran

Backpacking — The art of modern nomadism. More and more people are drawn into becoming “citizens of the world”. Many say they love travelling or that they dream of going around the world someday. But few dare to embrace the unknown and hop on a real adventure.

Are you one of them? Are you willing to fit everything you need into a big backpack and go on a long trip? Let’s find out if you are ready. Here are five reasons why you should consider backpacking.

Man Running On A Bridge
Unsplash ~ Fabio Comparelli

1. It’s Fun, Liberating & Adventurous

Chances are, you won’t remember the days you’ve spent doing things which don’t really make you feel alive. Looking at the bigger picture, what matters the most are the moments when you feel joy. If you believe life is worth living wholeheartedly, this experience might be for you.

Backpacking is all about adventure. And adventure is all about Freedom. This journey is not bound by strict rules & routines. You may follow a plan for your travelling, but you remain the captain of your days (especially if you are on your own). Spontaneity — a rare thing in daily life — could now be your best friend. And we know that a lot of remarkable memories come out of spontaneity.

Banknote Face, Money is Watching
Unsplash ~ Freddie Collins

2. It’s Affordable

When we think about travelling the world, one of the first objections that come to mind is: “I don’t have enough money”. Indeed, travelling could be really expensive. And that’s one of the main reasons people choose the backpacker’s way. Depending on how bold or creative your approach is, it could cost you as little as 10$ per day. You don’t really need to be rich to explore the world.

Most of the transportation is usually done by train, bus, or hitchhiking. It’s a bit different from a 1st class plane trip, but it’s probably 100 times more interesting & insightful. The most common options to stay at night are low-cost hostels with mixed bedrooms, Couchsurfing, camping, friends living abroad, or the usual hotels. You may not be surrounded by full-time comfort & luxury throughout your journey, but that has its benefits, too, as we will learn later.

Aerial Photo of Machu Picchu, Peru
Unsplash ~ Babak Fakhamzadeh

3. You See & Learn A Lot

By visiting different cities, countries and cultures, you expand your worldview. You see how the real world is the richest encyclopedia. You can observe how much different the lives of others could be. And even if the similarities of human nature are present everywhere, each culture has a unique view of reality. The experience of your trips usually unlocks a lot of interesting insights into the cultures and different locations you visit.

Imagine spending your whole life in your native city and never leaving it. Now imagine for a second — how much “unconquered” land is out there. So many breathtaking views to see; places of historical significance, cozy local restaurants, and unique streets with atmospheres that you’ve never experienced before. Thinking about the unlimited possibilities, I get warmed up inside, ready to hop on another adventure.

Students With Backpacks Walking In The City
Unsplash ~ Austin Distel

4. You Meet New People

You never know what life-changing relationships you may build during your travels. The opportunity to meet exciting & open-minded people while you are backpacking is high. And it’s always interesting to learn what made each traveller embark on this adventure. Plus, you already share a lot in common, so it’s quite easy to bond. Even if you are introverted, this will most likely change during your backpacking. From my experience, I was more social than usual while I was travelling.

One of the most common places to meet those cool people is the dorms (shared-bedroom hostels). From what I’ve seen, the atmosphere there is always friendly. Other ways of meeting fellow travellers include apps like Couchsurfing, MeetUp, Facebook Groups or the Free Daily Tours in different cities. You may think solo backpacking might be lonely, but that’s rarely the case. You talk to so many people every day. And often, you simply have to, in order to navigate or proceed.

Travel / Adventure Planning
Unsplash ~ Dariusz Sankowski

5. You Expand Your Comfort Zone

One benefit of engaging in this “wild” endeavor is that you will face situations which require adaptation. There might be some risks involved, like being lost in a new place, where you don’t have internet and don’t speak the local language. Or being lured by scammers, who insist on selling you something (be prepared for that, especially if you look like a wandering tourist).

Whatever the case is, you will have to come up with solutions. In the long-term, this is useful because not only it expands your comfort zone, but you build confidence by conquering the obstacles on your path. Each new story brings you a lesson, which you carry within you like a badge of honor. And even if living in the world today doesn’t require a lot of survival skills from us, we never know when we might need them.

Silhouette of a Man, Playing Football with the Sun
Unsplash ~ Aziz Acharki


Breaking up with the familiarity of daily routine can be very rewarding. Backpack travelling is an adventurous approach to life which can bring you so much joy. Whether you are interested in different cultures, want to feel new experiences, meet great people, take cool photos, create memories, or just break free — it would most likely be one of the best decisions of your life.

Think about when you become an elder, how much wisdom and compelling stories you could share with the youngsters have you enrolled on this journey. If, after reading this article, you are motivated to try backpacking, beware of this: You will never look at life the same afterwards.

