Surviving Georgia Tech OMSCS

Obi R.
1 min readDec 26, 2021


Tips and tricks


Georgia Tech’s OMSCS is one of the most comprehensive online Master’s courses in Computer Science out there. The programme can be a very valuable experience if you know how to make the best of it.

Below, I’m sharing some tips on the courses I’ve taken and got at least an A in. I touch upon the following points:

  • how the course can help you professionally
  • whether to take it now or later, depending on your level of readiness
  • how to prepare for the course

Please bear in mind that I’m a sample of 1 — your own mileage may vary.

Also, regardless of whether you go on to read my articles below, make sure to check out OMSCentral. It’s a great source of opinions and tips from former and current OMSCS students.

Course list

Advanced Operating Systems

Artificial Intelligence for Robotics

Human-Computer Interaction (coming soon)

About The Author

I’m a Software and Data Engineer based in the UK. I like calisthenics and complaining.

Feel free to say hi on LinkedIn or Discord.


Circuit board photo — Image by Neeson Hsu from Flickr

