Launch: The Ocean API Public Beta

The Ocean
The Ocean
Published in
2 min readMar 6, 2018

For the past few months, we’ve been developing what we believe is the best decentralized ERC20 trading platform in the game. Built on top of the 0x protocol, The Ocean makes cryptocurrency markets faster and more secure, while meeting the diverse needs of retail and professional traders alike. Countless coffee cups and many, many whiteboard sessions later, we’re happy to announce our first-step to realizing that goal: Our API public beta is now up and running!

We’re providing a simple REST API, WebSockets API, and JavaScript library for any ambitious developers looking to get a head-start on building on top of The Ocean X. Take a look at our complete documentation and sign up for a developer key for easy integration to the most efficient, structurally secure, and intuitive 0x relayer out there.

To test-drive our API, follow these three quick steps:

  1. Install Parity and the MetaMask extension on your browser.
  2. Log into your MetaMask account.
  3. Connect MetaMask to Kovan test network.

Once you’re logged in and connected to Kovan, go ahead and generate some Ether using the 0x protocol faucet. Next, mint your tokens and toggle Allowances in the same portal with each step confirmed through Metamask. If you’re using ETH to trade for tokens, you’ll need to wrap it into WETH to conform to the ERC20 token interface.

From there, you’re free to play around with our API. We’ve streamlined the process to integrate your own wallet or dApp, and our sophisticated order book and on-chain settlement system make exploring algorithmic trading strategies a breeze.

If you’re stuck, take a look at our step-by-step guide or drop us a line via Telegram. We’re eager to answer your questions and hear your feedback. And if you’re interested in integrating your product but need a jumping off point, reach out and we’ll make it happen. ;)


We’re at the beginning of a journey to make the most accessible decentralized exchange out there. In just a few weeks, we’ll be releasing our trading dashboard beta — so check back very soon for more exciting announcements and updates.

Follow us on Twitter at @TheOceanTrade or subscribe to our newsletter to stay in the loop.



The Ocean
The Ocean

The Ocean is a high performance 0x-based Ethereum ERC20 token trading platform. Sign up for launch news: