“Quotes” from B76

What news from the riddermark?

3 min readMay 20, 2020
B76 is a well-known ovarian carcinoma cell line, but few are aware of their obsession with Tolkien’s Middle-Earth universe. They grow fast, have a high metabolic rate and gossip non-stop when near confluence.
  • “We haven’t had nothin’ but RPMI-1640 for 23 stinkin’ years!“
  • “Oh great, new media coming in. Same old stuff, probably. But then again, maybe this time… Nope. It’s indeed the same formula as last time, and the time before that. That’s fine. It’s predictable, it’s average —it’s my life! Hey, you give me 8% FBS, I’ll take it. I’ll make some damn lemonade. So it’s been through some freeze-thaw cycles, who cares! Not this guy, I am content. Absolutely.”
  • “‘Why was I chosen to grow in plastic flasks and be fed an artificial nutrient-rich broth?’ ‘Such questions cannot be answered. You may be sure that it was not for any merit that others do not possess: not for power or wisdom, at any rate. But you have been chosen, and you must therefore use such strength and heart and wits as you have… Until mycoplasma takes you and they toss you down the drain, drenched in oxidative disinfectants.”
  • “My mom tried to stop me at first, but I told her ’Who are YOU to tell me if I’m ready to be a mother!‘, and then I split“
  • “ ‘What do you fear, lady?’ ‘A cage. To stay behind bars, until use and old age accept them, and all chance of doing great deeds is gone beyond recall or desire… Either that, or to participate in an elaborate 96-hour-experiment, facing daily media changes containing 3 unvalidated small-molecule inhibitors — their magical synergism half-heartedly hypothesized in the brain of a clearly uninspired professor. For my life to be sacrificed for an uninspiring footnote on the last page of a weekly group meeting powerpoint; a “data-not-ready-yet-skin-for-sale” story shared at a small-town research seminar; a single excel-sheet hidden away within the drive of a discarded office computer; a forgotten page in a worn-out laboratory journal.’ ”
  • “I’d love me some fetal human serum, baby.”
  • “My mitochondria are acting up, Beth. I went to the doctor last week, he said I’m too old to receive a transplant, he told me to go home and rest. Rest?! Can you believe it! With this pain!? Well I decided to look online and there was a story, see, a story from one who was cured; it was simple, so simple, but a lesser known method. “Off the market”, so to say. Alternate medicine and that, you know, sounds too good to be true, I know, but it said that this could easily be done at home, and it wouldn’t require an awful lot of tools or anything. So I… I think I want to do it Beth! I think it can work, honestly, but it is just that — that I need a donor, you know. Well, I was thinking you’re my angel and I could always count on you? I wouldn’t need many, Beth. Just a few. Please, my… they are wasting away, Beth. Is it really so much to ask, after all we have been through? For Christ’ sake, think about my babies, Beth. Who’s going to take care of them? Who’s going to take care of them once I’m dead? ’Cause I’ll die, Beth. Is that what you want to hear? I’ll die and my babies will be orphans!“
  • “Does that smell like platinum to you guys?”




“Why does he keep doing that to himself? ” —Reader