5 reasons people fail at New Year’s resolutions

Vibhor Tiwari
3 min readJan 10, 2020

You all must be working on a “NEW YEAR NEW ME “mission like every year as this is the time of New Year’s resolutions. Every New Year is another chance to reboot ourselves and start all together but it’s not everyone’s cup of tea.

Studies suggest that less than 25 percent are committed to their resolution after 30 days and only 8 percent of people achieve what they aimed for.

NO BIG DEAL! We all have witnessed people not sticking to their plans within a week or so and we are also guilty of the above.

Now, look at the reasons why people usually fail themselves.

1. Going TOO HARD!


People take massive actions from the first day onwards. You can’t reprogramme yourself within a day. You used to wake up at 9 in the morning and drop that to 5 A.M instantly, we are smarter than machines but we are NOT machines. The vast majority of people make this mistake. You need to take it slow in order to sustain it over a longer period of time. Resolutions don’t mean going hard on yourself. Many are aware of “21 DAY RULE” but not about “20/90 RULE”. It takes 21 days to build a habit but still many fail after 30 days because they fail to realize that it takes 90 days to build a lifestyle.

2. Unrealistic Goal


Another problem is expecting outrageous results over a shorter span of time. Just because you are putting effort, you can’t expect to bend the laws of nature and science. All of us want to be rewarded for the efforts as soon as possible but the key to long term success is falling in love with the process and this is where the “8 PERCENT” mentioned above takes the edge. So don’t set impractical goals for yourself or an unbeatable deadline. Set up a routine that you want to follow over the span of your life.

3. Ineffective planning


The majority of people put their foot forward without any plan of action. You need to breakdown your resolution or goal into smaller segments and need to have a clear picture of how are you going to take it down stage by stage. If possible, one should not even shy away from hiring an expert because there is a reason they are called the EXPERTS. The Internet can’t teach you everything. On top of that it guarantees to stick to plan develops a sense of discipline and it will produce results worthy enough to keep you going.

4. Lack of Purpose

“Without Purpose, life is motion without meaning, activity without direction and event without reason”

Your “Why” will decide the drive you have to fulfill your commitment. Resolutions under peer pressure or just to sound cool are not going to cut it for you. Your reason should be firm enough to keep you going. If there is nothing to drive you then you will plan and execute efficiently. People under this bracket don’t even imagine how it would feel to accomplish the goal they have committed and that kills even the slightest of chances of motivation.

5. All hat and no cattle

“People focus on information instead of transformation”

Lot of us gather a lot of information on what to do and how are we going to do it but lacks the will to act, at the time of execution they just can’t find that substance. Major mistake people commit is by announcing their resolutions to others. Studies show that announcing your goals to others drops your motivation as it gives you a feeling that you have already achieved them.

Now you get why they emphasize “work hard in silence” thing. Right?

Clearly, you can infer that showing off your results is much better than showing off your resolution.

So give it a thought, share it with someone who you think is making these mistakes or if you are the one then nothing to worry buddy. Don’t be hard on yourself; At least you started which shows you are already ahead and somehow landed upon the right article. I hope it was helpful. Thank you for your time.



Vibhor Tiwari

A keen observer of the world around him, pens down his perspective and experience. Gifted with a vision to see through human psychology. “I don’t drink but I kn