It’s Easy to Be an Outlier

Here are two dead-simple ways

The One Alternative View


Photo by Will Myers on Unsplash

As I listened to Denzel’s speech, I couldn’t help thinking about how one can ascend to greatness.

Studies make it look hard.

For articles, they use measures such as reads, citations, and impact factors.

For basketball games, they look at minutes, shots, and turnovers.

For academics, they look at mean grades, subjects, and class performance.

These are measurable. But it makes it hard for anyone to think they can do something big.

Lumped together, you tend to think you are normal when in a real sense, you can be an outlier.

So Denzel said:

To get something you never had, you have to do something you never did.

Two ways:

  1. Do something you are obsessed about, consistently.
  2. Become great by being consistently good at it.

Combine the aspects that you are obsessed with and create a unique combination.

Then do it consistently.

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The One Alternative View

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