Who is a Scientist?

I was obsessed with the idea of being a mad scientist

The One Alternative View
2 min readNov 9, 2023
Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash

It started with a cartoon.

For kids, it almost always does.

I was about 8 years old.

The cartoon? Ship in the Big City. From there on, I wanted to become a mad scientist.

I loved how they blew up things and defended themselves for it. They were so passionate about their projects. But it gave me a false idea of who scientists were.

A scientist is someone who considers the simple things in life.


They take a keen interest in the simplest aspects of life. They then test these simplicities.

Simplicity has a primary elusiveness of being accurate when often it isn’t. So they have to test these simple things to avoid fooling themselves and later, fooling others.

This might be a tad simplistic, but:

A scientist is someone who takes something simple and takes it seriously.

Now, I have a simple task for you.

Ask anyone who calls themselves a scientist if this is how they view themselves.

PS: You’ll be shocked by the result. Just saying 🤷.

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The One Alternative View

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