This is the moment. This is an emergency.

Charles Kincy
2 min readSep 2, 2021


I used to monitor various alt-right, right-wing, “intellectual dark web”, anti-woke-centrist and adjacent bloggers but I just dropped my last one, because lately I attempt to predict what I will see before I check in, and I have been right 100% of the time for the last month.

No more information is to be gained, and this 12-year journey of counter-surveillance has been spiritually poisonous. No more.

With confidence I can tell you:

  • They are never right about anything. Not a single fucking thing.
  • They have no values save what they can signal to increase their influence.
  • Every accusation they make is a confession. Every time. Every single one. No exceptions.
  • They are sadistic and cruel. They get off on what they’re doing. They feel justified.
  • They would destroy you and everyone and everything you ever cared about if they thought they gained the smallest thing from it. And they wouldn’t ever have a moment of regret or doubt.
  • My spiritual tradition allows that all are redeemable and worthy of a cleared slate and a second chance, contingent on sincere repentance and an effort to serve those whom they have previously wronged. Well. These people are LOST. They will never change. Abandon them, and let God call them back in the afterlife if there is such a thing.

So, after this perilous intellectual journey, I have one ask of you, my friends:


And if you get to a place where that becomes second nature, I have a far more difficult ask:

DO WHAT IT TAKES TO NEUTRALIZE THEIR POWER AND INFLUENCE. Whatever it takes. No exceptions. No reservations. Do you fucking hear me? Whatever it takes.

This is the moment. This is an emergency. If we fail, things will get…hard. Harder than you ever imagined possible. Please act, while it remains relatively easy.

If you help me out here, we will get through this. Together.

