Deep Onion: Stealth Address Implementation

3 min readFeb 16, 2018


This article will explore the forthcoming implementation of a privacy feature that the Deep Onion development team has completed creating in stealth wallet addresses.

DeepOnion is 100% Anonymous and Untraceable.

In a world where our privacy means nothing to big businesses and governing bodies, it is up to us to take the steps in order to preserve our anonymity and autonomy as humans. Currently, many coins have re-branded and promised privacy, yet they are unable to deliver. The worst part of this, is that the users are unaware just how traceable the currency they are using is. Much has come out recently in regards to tracing back transactions made using cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Litecoin, and even Monero, the coin that markets itself as a privacy focused tool. The fact is, if you seek to keep your transactions private, the current products are not getting it done.

Enter in the market, a 7 month old DeepOnion. A cryptocurrency that utilizes the ToR network in order to keep transactions 100% private. The DeepOnion team has not stopped at consistently updating the ToR network features, but plan to take privacy to the absolute next level. In a few short months, DeepSend and zero-coin protocol will be implemented. These features are both unique in that very few coins are able to utilize the zero coin protocol, but also because, they will be used in combination with each other. The result is privacy at an exponential level compared to any other product on the market when transacting.

Comparison of DeepOnion’s Privacy Capabilities

As the graphic above illustrates, stealth addresses are not uncommon. It is, however, uncommon to use stealth addresses with other innovative features. For example, DeepOnion will be implementing the DeepSend feature, which completely seperates it form the competition. Furthermore, these features will be used over the ToR network. Finally, DeepOnion has the ability to complete cryptographic file verification, something that none of the competitors in the privacy space have been successful at.

The focus of this article is not the fact that DeepOnion will be the pinnacle of privacy based currencies in a few months, but the fact that the development team has not stopped there. They have taken another step in making the wallet addresses go into a ‘stealth’ mode, making them essentially disappear in the eyes of those who seek to pry.

When you transact with cryptocurrencies, your wallet address is shown, thus allowing a direct link to your wallet to be formed and placed out on the Web. This can allow patterns to be picked up on and traces to lead back to the wallet that is linked to you. Now, with the new stealth wallet feature, your wallet address will be hidden. The only other that would be able to recognize where the payment came from is the person or entity you are sending the currency to. The unique addresses used do not allow third party’s to obtain any information on the transacting parties’ wallets.

This is a break through privacy feature that takes privacy in the crypto space to another level because it is utilized in conjunction with the other aforementioned privacy features. This is just another step forward to creating the most private cryptocurrency available.

