In-depth Of JavaScript Fetch Method

1 min readJul 6, 2023


The popularly known JavaScript fetch method is an inbuilt function that allows you to make HTTPS request to fetch resources from a network, the fetch() is mostly referred to as the fetch method. although it is not a method of a specific object, it is commonly used with the window object of the browser.

Fetch method

The fetch method was introduced as part of the fetch API, which is a modern web API for making HTTPS request, the fetch brought several benefits and improvement over the traditional way of making HTTPS request, it provides simpler and more consistent API .

The Fetch API was designed to address some limitations and provide a more powerful and flexible alternative to the older XMLHttpRequest object. Since its introduction, fetch() has become the recommended method for making asynchronous HTTP requests in modern JavaScript applications, and it is commonly used for interacting with web APIs, fetching data, and sending data to servers.




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