fMultiple factors. Photo: Apple.

The Watch is You

David E. Wheeler
3 min readApr 17, 2015


Back when Apple introduced Touch ID, I had an idea for a blog post, never written, entitled “Touch ID is Step Zero in Apple’s Authentication Plan.” As an ardent user of online services (over 500 passwords in 1Password!), the challenge of passwords frequently frustrates me. Passwords stink. People don’t like them, don’t like the crazy and often pointless complexities piled on them by naïve developers. Worse, many sites employ useless techniques, such as secret images and challenge questions, utterly failing to understand the distinctions between the various factors of authentication.

Touch ID, I thought, was a solid step toward solving these problems. Initially, it would simplify the act of identifying yourself to your iPhone. Long-term, I hoped, it would extend to other applications and online accounts. As late as last last month, I Tweeted my desire to have Touch ID on the MacBook line so I could finally stop mis-typing my password to access my desktop.

Turns out I wasn’t thinking big enough. The next step in Apple’s identity plan wasn’t online logins (though some apps take advantage of it).

It was Apple Pay.

An under-appreciated benefit of Apple Pay is its implementation of multi-factor authentication. The first factor is your PIN — something you know — which you must put into your iPhone when you turn it on. Then, at purchase, you use Touch ID, authenticating with a second factor — something you are. This greatly reduces the chances of identity theft: someone would have to steal your iPhone and both circumvent the PIN and somehow fake your fingerprint in order to use it. Both exploits are notoriously difficult to pull off. An Apple Pay transaction almost certainly cannot be hacked or spoofed.

Crucially, the Apple Watch also offers Apple Pay and requires two factors of authentication. The first is the iPhone with which the Watch is paired — something you have. The second is a passcode input when you put the Watch on — something you know — and you’ll stay “logged in” as long as the Watch remains on your wrist. This is not quite as invulnerable as Touch ID on presentation, but still a powerful indicator of the identity of the customer.

Which brings us back to the issue of authentication. Well, not authentication so much as identity. If the Watch is an effectively low risk means of identifying a credit card owner, why not use it for identification in general? Consider these recent developments:

Let’s take these developments to their logical conclusions. Before long, you’ll be able to use the Watch to:

  • Open your hotel room or rental car without even checking in
  • Control lights when you walk into a room
  • Adjust the car seat and mirrors to your preferred positions
  • Identify yourself when picking up packages at the post office
  • Access and use public transportation
  • And yes, unlock your computer or phone (thanks Glenn)

In the end, the Watch isn’t a gadget. It isn’t (just) jewelry. It’s more than a password or wallet replacement, more than a controller for the devices around you. The Watch is your identification, an ever-present token that represents your presence in the universe.

Effectively, the Watch is you.

