Every Form of Relationship Manipulation Explained

Theory in Minutes
5 min readJul 11, 2024


“Power is not brute force and money; power is in your mind’s mastery of itself.” — Euripides

Discover 29 insidious manipulation tactics in relationships and how to protect yourself from them.

In today’s interconnected world, understanding the nuances of relationship dynamics is more crucial than ever. Manipulation in relationships can take many forms, each one uniquely damaging and insidious. In this post, we’ll delve into 29 different tactics used by manipulators to control their partners, friends, or family members. For a more in-depth look, check out our video, “Every Form of Relationship Manipulation Explained in 10 Minutes.

1. Emotional Blackmail

Emotional blackmail is when someone uses your feelings to manipulate you into doing what they want. Picture a partner who threatens to harm themselves or says they’ll stop loving you if you don’t comply. This tactic preys on your empathy and fear of losing them, trapping you in a cycle of guilt and compliance.

2. Gaslighting

Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation where someone makes you question your own reality and memories. Imagine someone repeatedly denying events you remember or labeling your feelings as irrational. Over time, this erodes your confidence and makes you increasingly dependent on the manipulator for a sense of reality.

3. Guilt-Tripping

Guilt-tripping involves making you feel responsible for another person’s problems or unhappiness. A manipulator might constantly remind you of past mistakes or blame you for their difficulties, pushing you to make amends for things that aren’t your fault.

Prefer watching a video over reading? Click the link to see our detailed explanation of every form of relationship manipulation in just 10 minutes!

Every Form of RELATIONSHIP MANIPULATION Explained in 10 Minutes

4. Silent Treatment

The silent treatment is when someone refuses to communicate with you as a form of punishment. This tactic creates feelings of isolation and anxiety, making you desperate to regain their favor and avoid the discomfort of being ignored.

5. Passive-Aggression

Passive-aggression is expressing anger or frustration indirectly. Instead of addressing issues head-on, a manipulator might make snarky comments or give backhanded compliments, leaving you feeling uneasy and unsure of what you did wrong.

6. Love Bombing

Love bombing involves overwhelming someone with excessive affection and attention to quickly gain their trust. Once you’re emotionally invested, the manipulator may start to exert control, making the sudden shift from affection to manipulation particularly jarring.

7. Triangulation

Triangulation brings a third person into the relationship to create jealousy or competition. By comparing you unfavourably to someone else, the manipulator makes you strive harder for their approval, exacerbating feelings of insecurity.

8. Playing the Victim

Playing the victim means exaggerating one’s own suffering to gain sympathy and control. This tactic makes you feel obligated to help or support them, often at the expense of your own needs and well-being.

9. Mind Games

Mind games involve using confusing tactics to manipulate and control. Mixed signals, sudden shifts in behaviour, and creating false scenarios keep you off-balance and unsure of where you stand in the relationship.

10. Blame Shifting

Blame shifting is when the manipulator avoids responsibility by placing the blame on you or others. This tactic makes you question your actions and accept guilt for things that aren’t your fault, diverting attention from the manipulator’s own behavior.

11. Overreacting

Overreacting involves responding with exaggerated emotions to minor issues. This dramatic response makes you feel like you’ve done something terribly wrong, controlling your behavior through fear of triggering another outburst.

12. Denial

Denial is when the manipulator refuses to acknowledge reality, even when confronted with evidence. This tactic can make you doubt your memory and perceptions, leading to frustration and disorientation.

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Theory in Minutes

13. Excessive Criticism

Excessive criticism is a constant barrage of negative comments about your behaviour, appearance, or decisions. Over time, this relentless critique can wear down your self-esteem, making you seek their approval and validation.

14. Gaslighting by Proxy

Gaslighting by proxy involves manipulating others to question your reality. The manipulator spreads false information to mutual acquaintances, causing them to doubt your perceptions and further isolating you.

15. Financial Control

Financial control restricts your access to money to control your behavior. The manipulator might give you an allowance, scrutinize your spending, or withhold financial support, making it difficult for you to leave the relationship.

16. Intimidation

Intimidation uses threats, aggression, or implied violence to instill fear and compliance. This tactic keeps you from challenging their authority, ensuring you remain under their control.

17. False Flattery

False flattery involves giving insincere compliments to lower your guard. The manipulator uses praise to gain your trust, then leverages this trust to manipulate you.

18. Playing Dumb

Playing dumb is pretending not to understand or know something to avoid responsibility. This tactic frustrates you and makes you feel obligated to take on more tasks, effectively controlling your actions.

19. Projection

Projection involves accusing you of the very behaviors they’re guilty of. By deflecting attention from their own shortcomings, the manipulator keeps you defensive and focused on clearing your name.

20. Feigning Innocence

Feigning innocence is acting clueless to avoid blame. This tactic makes you second-guess your interpretation of events and lets the manipulator off the hook.

21. Minimizing

Minimizing diminishes the importance of your feelings or actions. Comments like “You’re overreacting” invalidate your emotions, eroding your self-confidence and making it harder to express yourself.

22. Using Sex as a Weapon

Using sex as a weapon controls the relationship’s sexual dynamic to manipulate you. Withholding sex as punishment or using it as a reward creates a power imbalance and makes intimacy feel transactional.

23. Splitting

Splitting involves creating divisions between you and others by spreading lies or half-truths. This isolates you and strengthens the manipulator’s control by making you reliant on them for support.

24. Exaggeration

Exaggeration involves blowing things out of proportion to manipulate your emotions. By amplifying their achievements or problems, the manipulator skews your perception, making you more likely to bend to their will.

25. Sabotage

Sabotage is deliberately undermining your efforts or success. By creating obstacles, the manipulator keeps you dependent and under their control, hindering your independence.

26. Creating Dependency

Creating dependency means making you reliant on them for emotional, financial, or social support. This makes it harder for you to leave the relationship and maintain independence.

27. Favoritism

Favouritism shows preferential treatment to create jealousy and competition. The manipulator makes you work harder for their approval, undermining your self-esteem and fostering a toxic environment.

28. Invalidation

Invalidation dismisses or belittles your feelings, thoughts, or experiences. Comments like “You’re too sensitive” make you doubt your emotions, leading to self-doubt and diminished self-worth.

29. Overloading

Overloading involves bombarding you with information, tasks, or emotional demands to overwhelm you. This tactic keeps you off-balance and unable to focus on the manipulator’s actions, leading to burnout and increased dependency.

Understanding these manipulation tactics is the first step in protecting yourself and maintaining healthy relationships. If you found this post helpful, check out our video “Every Form of Relationship Manipulation Explained in 10 Minutes” for a more detailed exploration of these behaviors. Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and share it with your friends!

Please do not rely solely on this blog for information. It is intended for entertainment and educational purposes, and some content may be oversimplified or inaccurate. The aim of this channel is to inspire curiosity and encourage you to conduct your own research on these topics.

