The Case for Full Court 1v1

Theo Schear
1 min readDec 12, 2018


A full court of basketball

As most may be aware, I am a staunch proponent of an oft-overlooked form of basketball that only the most daring players are willing to consider: One versus one full court basketball.

Yes, it requires extreme endurance.

Yes, it puts your physical and emotional stamina to test.

Yes, it’s way more difficult than regular basketball…

Look, there is no doubting that one-versus-one basketball is not for the feeble-hearted free-throw connoisseurs. Nor is it for the pass-first, spatially aware team players. This is a game for the ballers that care to push themselves to the limit.

Tired? Forget about it. Your a** is grass if you don’t get back on defense.

Lazy? There’s no help defense to save you this time!

Ambitious? Right on. This is the game for you.

Full court 1v1 is probably the only true test of a basketball players genuine aptitude for the game.

That’s why, as I’ve always emphasized, I have never been impressed by the feats of team basketball players. What a cop out! Play the game it’s meant to be played… you scared?

