Who’s Playing at The Outer Loop?

The Outer Loop Blog
3 min readNov 30, 2017


The Crucible Cast Edition: Evie Roop

Our Co-Artistic directors have just closed their first show at Kennebunk High School, The Crucible, complete with an opening night red carpet gala to celebrate! The gala marked not only the opening of the show, but also of the brand new theater space that will provide an artistic home for the entire Kennebunk community. What better way to memorialize this exciting theatrical renaissance than to introduce you to some of the up and coming Kennebunk talent?

Evie Roop has been involved in the arts in Kennebunk since she was old enough to speak. She found a moment to chat with us in between slaying her performance as Elizabeth Proctor in The Crucible, dance classes…oh, and senior year! Read on to learn how she does it all, with grace and positivity.

Evie as Elizabeth Proctor in The Crucible at KHS

So Evie, what’s your art?

Besides being a student I try to fit in a lot of additional activities. During the week I take a dance class every day, ranging from point to tap and jazz to hip hop with a big recital at the end of the year. I also attempt to create art in my art classes at school, however they do not always come out masterpieces! In addition I love to partake in the dramas at my high school and hope to pursue my passion for theater in the future.

Backstage at the ballet

Where do you come from?

Originally I am from Brooklyn, New York, but my family moved us to Kennebunk, Maine after my brother was born, to be closer to our extended family. My parents are super supportive of any interests I have that I might want to pursue. My little brother Atticus is by far the funniest person I know, and I take it upon myself to embarrass him whenever possible.

Evie Roop and Morgan Shmalo at The Crucible Opening Night Gala

What inspires you?

I am inspired by great actors of the past, like Audrey Hepburn, Humphrey Bogart, Gregory Peck and Carol Burnett. As I get older I am more and more empowered and inspired by women in leadership positions and I would love to follow in their footsteps. And of course, Beyonce. Always.

What are you working on now?

At the moment I’m in the middle of rehearsals for The Crucible, which is so AWESOME and for someone who’s watched many a Red Scare documentary, totally rad, especially with two wonderful and talented directors ;) It’ll will be the first performance in our school’s brand new theater and I am so excited! So excited that on the first day of school I snuck inside and got yelled at by a couple construction workers. I am astounded by the talent in the theater program at my school and sad that I will be leaving, but I know that I will have the most fun on this show to date!

Evie taking a bow at the closing performance of The Crucible

Amazing, where can we see more?

If you’re in the area, The Crucible is the 17th, 18th and 19th of November!

You can also find me on instagram @rooper4.

Your favorite .gif or meme

Thanks so much, Evie! You can check out updates on all things KHS Theater on Instagram (@theaterkhs) and Twitter (@khstheaterarts)!



The Outer Loop Blog

We are The Outer Loop Theater Experience. We’re making art that matters. Art that balances the disparity between all humans. There is no humanity without unity.