The Paradox Metaverse and The Paradox Universe
The Paradox Metaverse and The Paradox Universe

The Paradox Metaverse is the digital extension of The Paradox Universe, an epic tale created and directed by multi-instrumentalist, composer, animator, and digital artist Ana Nda of the Prototype Live. Ana began developing and animating the Paradox Metaverse in February 2019. No more than 3 years later, she has singlehandedly brought to life a curated platform for professional creators to share their artwork/music/thoughts in virtual reality and connect with each other in real time.

Connect with The Paradox Metaverse and The Paradox Universe
The Paradox Metaverse and The Paradox Universe

The Paradox Metaverse and The Paradox Universe

The Paradox Metaverse is a creative, open-source, moderated, and immersive gaming/music/art/virtual reality community for creators to share their gifts.