Daddy, My Guiding Star

2 min readJun 3, 2023


Photo by Limor Zellermayer on Unsplash

A hero in the eyes of his child, unswayed,

With arms of comfort and hands that played,

In my heart, an image of you, Daddy, has forever stayed,

In every cherished memory, your love displayed.

In the echoes of laughter, in the morning light,

Underneath the blanket of stars, in the quiet of night,

You taught me to dream, to reach great height,

With your words of wisdom, showing what’s right.

A sculptor of dreams, shaping with care,

With a voice that guides, so sincere and rare,

To the mysteries of life, you made me aware,

Your strength, your courage, with me you share.

In the face of storms, you stood so tall,

With steady resolve, you overcame them all,

Your love, my shield, protecting from every fall,

In every step, Daddy, it’s your name I call.

Guiding star in my universe, lighting the way,

Through every triumph, through every gray,

In every challenge, in every fray,

Your love, Daddy, is my constant ray.

Oh, Daddy, it’s your love I carry in my core,

A beacon in my life, on every shore,

For every moment, every memory, every lore,

It’s you, Daddy, that I will always adore.

Photo by thugbong on Unsplash

This poem was written with the help of ChatGPT.




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