Harmony of Sound: Bose A20 vs. Bose A30 Headsets — A Comprehensive Comparison

Olivier M. - The Pilot Kingdom
6 min readJan 23, 2024

In the symphony of aviation, where the roar of engines harmonizes with the melody of the skies, the role of a pilot’s headset is nothing short of instrumental. As aviators, we seek a blend of comfort, clarity, and cutting-edge technology to elevate our in-flight experience. In this pursuit, two giants stand tall in the world of aviation headsets — the Bose A20 and the Bose A30. These headsets are not merely accessories; they are the bridge between pilots and the aural nuances of flight. Join me as we embark on a journey to dissect the differences between the Bose A20 and Bose A30 headsets, exploring their unique features, addressing potential concerns, and ultimately finding the perfect harmony for your cockpit.

The Bose A20 and A30 are the virtuosos of aviation audio, each with its unique cadence. In the world of headsets, where every decibel matters, let’s unravel the differences, harmonize the pros and cons, and discover which one is your perfect pitch.

Before we delve into the technical details and explore the nuances of these headsets, let’s address a common concern — the belief that all headsets are created equal. In the realm of aviation, where communication is key and comfort is paramount, the choice of a headset can significantly impact the flying experience. The Bose A20 and A30 are not just headsets; they are precision instruments designed to orchestrate a seamless auditory symphony in the cockpit.

As we navigate through the features and functionalities of the Bose A20 and A30, keep an open loop. Consider your unique flying needs, the type of aircraft you operate, and the atmospheric conditions you often encounter. This isn’t just a comparison; it’s a guide to help you decide which headset is your perfect co-pilot. With that in mind, let’s embark on this auditory exploration.

Bose A20 Headset: A Symphony of Silence

The Bose A20 is renowned for its Active Noise Reduction (ANR) technology, which sets the stage for unparalleled sound clarity. The headset features proprietary TriPort technology, ensuring a balanced audio output. The A20’s control module houses the electronics responsible for noise reduction, and it boasts a comfortable yet secure fit with plush ear cushions.

Aviation Bose A20 Headset
Aviation Bose A20 Headset — Side View
Aviation Bose A20 Headset — Above view


  • Exceptional noise reduction for a quieter cockpit
  • Clear and balanced audio output with TriPort technology
  • Comfortable fit with plush ear cushions
  • Lightweight design for extended use during flights


  • Higher upfront cost compared to standard headsets
  • Some pilots may find the control module adds weight

The Bose A20’s forte lies in its ability to create a sanctuary of silence, allowing pilots to focus on the essential sounds of flight while minimizing ambient noise.

The Bose A20 headset for pilot is available right here !

Bose A30 Headset: Precision in Sound Engineering

The Bose A30, while sharing the Active Equalization (AE) technology with the A20, brings its unique flavor to the auditory stage. This headset features an ergonomic control module for intuitive adjustments and a comfort spring for a secure fit. The A30 boasts a noise-canceling electret microphone and advanced Bluetooth connectivity for enhanced versatility.

Aviation Bose A30 Headset
Aviation Bose A30 Headset — Front view
Aviation Bose A30 Headset — Package


  • Active Equalization technology for clear and crisp audio
  • Ergonomic control module for intuitive adjustments
  • Comfort spring for a secure and comfortable fit
  • Noise-canceling electret microphone for clear communication


  • The control module may require familiarization for new users
  • Bluetooth connectivity may lead to higher power consumption

The Bose A30 stands as a testament to precision in sound engineering, offering clear audio and comfortable design for a harmonious flight experience.

The Bose A30 headset for pilot is available right here !

Comparative Analysis: Harmony in Differences

Noise Reduction and Sound Quality

The Bose A20’s emphasis on Active Noise Reduction (ANR) technology creates a haven of silence, ideal for pilots who value a focused and quiet cockpit. On the other hand, the Bose A30, equipped with Active Equalization (AE) technology, ensures clear and crisp audio, providing a different but equally effective approach to noise reduction.

Comfort and Fit

Both headsets prioritize comfort, with plush ear cushions in the case of the A20 and a comfort spring in the A30. The lightweight design of the A20 and the ergonomic control module of the A30 contribute to a secure and comfortable fit during extended flights.

Control Module and Adjustability

The A20 features a control module that houses the electronics for noise reduction, while the A30’s control module is designed for intuitive adjustments. Pilots who prefer simplicity and a minimalistic design may find the A20’s approach appealing, while those who value hands-on adjustments may favor the A30.

Bluetooth Connectivity

The A20 offers Bluetooth connectivity for audio input, allowing pilots to seamlessly integrate external audio sources. The A30 takes it a step further with advanced Bluetooth connectivity, enhancing versatility. Pilots who value connectivity with multiple devices may find the A30’s features advantageous.

Microphone Quality

The A20 and A30 both feature high-quality microphones, ensuring clear communication in the cockpit. The A30’s noise-canceling electret microphone adds an extra layer of precision, minimizing ambient noise for improved clarity.

Battery Life

Both headsets rely on batteries for their functionalities. The A20 typically offers a longer battery life compared to the A30 (45h vs 40h), which may be a consideration for pilots on extended flights.


In terms of pricing, the Bose A30 tends to have a higher upfront cost compared to the Bose A20. Pilots may weigh this factor against the specific features that align with their preferences and needs.

Technical comparison :

Technical comparison — A20 vs A30

The Bose A30 headset for pilot is available right here !

The Bose A20 headset for pilot is available right here !

As we conclude our exploration of the Bose A20 vs. Bose A30 headsets, it’s evident that each headset is a virtuoso in its own right, offering a unique symphony of features for pilots to choose from. The Bose A20’s emphasis on noise reduction and clear audio sets the stage for a focused flight, while the Bose A30 brings precision engineering and advanced Bluetooth connectivity to the forefront.

The choice between the Bose A20 and A30 ultimately boils down to personal preferences, flying conditions, and the specific features that align with your needs. Whether you seek the tranquility of a quiet cockpit or the versatility of advanced connectivity, Bose has crafted headsets that cater to a diverse range of pilots.

So, as you prepare to take to the skies, consider the auditory symphony you wish to orchestrate in your cockpit. The Bose A20 and A30 are both ready to be your co-pilots in the world of aviation audio — each note played with precision, clarity, and a touch of personal harmony. Happy flying !

Sound is very important during the flight !

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Olivier M. - The Pilot Kingdom

Big enthusiast about all around aviation (real and virtual), I want to share this passion with you and discuss about good plans.