How to Play Gomoku

The Pixel Pirate
3 min readApr 7, 2022


Source: Wallmart

Gomoku is a traditional Chinese board game that is also popular in Japan, Korea, and other countries. The game is played with black and white stones on a Go board, and the objective is to place five of your stones in a row (horizontally, vertically, or diagonally).

First, set up the game board.

You will need a Go board and black and white stones. The Go board is a grid of 19 x 19 lines, with the intersections of the lines serving as the places to put the stones. Place the stones next to the board within easy reach.

The game begins with one player placing a black stone on one of the intersections of the board. The other player then places a white stone on an adjacent intersection. Play then alternates between the two players, with each player placing a stone of their color on an empty intersection.

Playing Strategically

There are a few basic strategies to keep in mind when playing Gomoku:

1. Try to create two or three open rows of four stones (called a “live four”). This will give you the chance to win by placing a fifth stone in the row on your next turn, or to prevent your opponent from creating a live four.

2. If your opponent has a live four, try to block it by creating a row of three stones (called a “dead four”). This will prevent your opponent from winning on their next turn.

3. Try to create as many open rows of three stones as possible. This will give you more opportunities to win, and will make it more difficult for your opponent to create a live four.

4. Avoid creating rows of two stones, as this will give your opponent the chance to create a live four and win the game.

5. Pay attention to the stones your opponent is placing, and look for patterns in their play. This will help you predict their next move, and allow you to make better strategic decisions.

Winning the Game

The game is won when one player creates an open row of five stones (called a “live five”). The game can also be won by creating two rows of four stones (called a “double live four”). If neither player has created a live five or double live four after 19 moves, the game is a draw.

Tips to Become a better Gomoku Player

-Gomoku is a game of patience and strategy. Take your time, and think carefully about each move you make.

- Pay attention to the stones your opponent is placing, and look for patterns in their play. This will help you predict their next move, and allow you to make better strategic decisions.

- Try to create as many open rows of three stones as possible. This will give you more opportunities to win and will make it more difficult for your opponent to create a live four.

- Avoid creating rows of two stones, as this will give your opponent the chance to create a live four and win the game.

- If your opponent has a live four, try to block it by creating a row of three stones (called a “dead four”). This will prevent your opponent from winning on their next turn.

With these strategies in mind, you’re ready to start playing Gomoku! Have fun, and good luck

